Understanding LMS Setup

As you prepare to set up the LMS batch extract feature, consider the following questions:

  • What type of batch extract file does your LMS vendor use: XML V1.1 (required for PeopleSoft LMS authentication), Blackboard CourseInfo 4.0, or the API Input format (a WebCT format currently being phased out)?

  • If personal data is something that you need to extract, what phone type and address usage do you want to extract for the person objects?

    Note: If you use the Blackboard CourseInfo extract file type, all persons whom you extract must have electronic addresses in the system.

  • Will all of your classes need to be available for extract to an LMS system?

Each LMS extract file type presents slightly different extract processing requirements. Before you use the LMS Batch Extract component, familiarize yourself with the requirements of the file type that you plan to use.

All of the extract file types use Update and Snapshot extract modes.

Blackboard CourseInfo 4 creates delimited files that are uploaded through a batch utility in the Blackboard system. Students must have email addresses (preferred, home, or campus) for your PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system to extract and include the student in the people object.

The API Input format creates delimited files that are uploaded in the WebCT system through the use of an API.

Note: The API Input format is currently being phased out. However, the WebCT Campus Edition and Vista formats both support the XML V1.1 LMS extract file type that is required for Campus Solutions.

The following table further describes the requirements:


Enterprise XML V1.1

Blackboard CourseInfo 4

API Input

Extract File Creation Methods

  • Individually.

  • In combination with other files.

  • Combined in a single file.

  • Individually.

  • In combination with other files.

  • Individually.

  • In combination with other files.

Note: You cannot select global files to run individually. They are run automatically every time the student file is selected. This is necessary because the global API has two formats: FileAdd and FileUpdate.

Object Output Files


  • Update: All students and instructors who are members of the classes that meet the runtime criteria.

  • Snapshot: All students and instructors who are members of the classes that meet the runtime criteria.


  • Update: All active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria.

  • Snapshot: All active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria.

Student (the files are loaded through an API in which the course ID is specified on the command line; therefore, one file is created per class.)

  • Update: Only active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria who have a STATUS_DT that is greater than or equal to the class enrollment extract datetime new students.

  • Snapshot: All active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria.


  • Update: Only classes with no extract datetime that meet the runtime criteria and all classes that are designated as combined sections.

  • Snapshot: All classes that meet the runtime criteria.


  • Update: Only classes with no extract datetime that meet the runtime criteria.

  • Snapshot: All classes the meet the runtime criteria.

Class (Campus Solutions provides this file as informational because WebCT does not use an API to load classes.)

  • Update: Only classes with no extract datetime that meet the runtime criteria.

  • Snapshot: All classes that meet the runtime criteria.


  • Update: All instructors of the classes that meet the runtime criteria.

    All students that meet the runtime criteria who have a STATUS_DT, ENROL_ADD_DT, GRADING_BASIS_DT, ENROL_DROP_DT, or GRADE_DT that is greater than or equal to the class enrollment extract datetime (for example, newly enrolled students or currently enrolled students with a meaningful change).

  • Snapshot: All students and instructors of classes that meet the runtime criteria.

Populate Course

  • Update: All instructors of the classes that meet the runtime criteria.

    Only active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria who have a STATUS_DT that is greater than or equal to the class enrollment extract datetime (for example, new students).

  • Snapshot: All instructors and active students of the classes that meet the runtime criteria.


  • Update:

    FileAdd format: Only active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria who have a STATUS_DT that is greater than or equal to the class enrollment extract datetime for all their classes.

  • FileUpdate format: Students who have already passed through the extract process at least once before, but have at least one new class in the run.

    Active students are not included if their status date is less than the class enrollment extract datetime for all of their classes (for example, no new course list information is available to pass).

    Active students who are in more than one class, and who have a STATUS_DT that is greater than or equal to the class enrollment extract datetime for a class (for example, at least one new course is available to add to a student's list).

  • Snapshot FileAdd format only: All active students in classes that meet the runtime criteria.

Note: Students who have dropped the reported class prior to the drop or retain date are not included in any update of the LMS extract. If you run a snapshot, then run an update prior to the drop or retain date. Any students dropped since the snapshot are not updated or deleted from the LMS because their enrollments have been deleted from PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. Plan your production refresh schedule with this in mind.