Understanding New Zealand Government Reports

This section discusses:

  • The SDR process.

  • NZQA reports.

  • The Graduation Destination Survey report.

The SDR Process

Use the Single Data Return SQR process (SRSDRNZL) to create the SDR report for the New Zealand Ministry of Education (MoE). The SDR consists of five separate data files:

  • Student File: This file contains records for individual students who are enrolled in a course or program in the current year and have not received a complete refund of tuition fees.

    All students who are enrolled in courses or programs should be reported, regardless of the level of study or the funding source. Every student in the course enrollment file should appear once in the student file.

  • Course Enrollment File: This file contains records for each course enrollment instance.

    For each individual student, a record of each separate course enrollment is required. All valid enrollments should be reported, regardless of the level of study or the funding source. Every student in the student file should appear at least once in the course enrollment file—a student who is enrolled in two or more courses will have two or more rows in the course enrollment file, but only one row in the student file.

  • Course Register file: This file contains records for all courses in which students are enrolled in the current year.

    Every unique course in the course enrollment file should appear in the course register file.

  • Qualification Completion file: This file contains records for individual students who have passed all of the academic requirements for a recognized qualification in the previous year.

    Only students who are completing a formally recognized qualification should be included in the qualification completion file.

  • Course Completion file: This file contains course enrollment records for all individual students who were enrolled in a recognized qualification during the previous year.

    The file should include all courses for which these students were actively studying in the January to December period in the previous year. Only students who are enrolled in a formally recognized qualification should be included in the course completion file. All type D student course enrollments for the previous full year must be reported in June of the following year with the course outcome.

The MoE requires that your institution generate these SDR files on predefined dates—once a year for the Qualification Completion file, three times a year for the other three files. With the exception of the Qualification Completion file, these files provide a snapshot of student, course, and course enrollment data at a particular point in time.

The SQR process contains two sections. The first section of the process extracts the data fields that are required by the MoE and loads them into a work table for SDR. This work table is the record SSR_SDR_EXTRACT, and it serves as a temporary holding place for the data that you extract. The process extracts data for all four file types, but the type and number of records that are written to the work table depend on the parameters that are entered on the run control panel. The extract includes student data, enrollment data, course data, and qualification completion data from various parts of your PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system.

Because the data fields in each of the SDR files overlap, the SDR work table acts as a storage table for the extracted data of all the files. All the records are deleted from the work table prior to extraction. When the SDR process is run in final mode, the process additionally saves the Qualification Complete file and selected SDR fields in history tables.

The second section of the SQR generates the ASCII flat files using the data that is in the SDR work table. These ASCII flat files can be either the Student file, the Course Enrollment file, the Course Register file, or the Qualification Completion file.

NZQA Reports

The NZQARPTS.sqr report process produces three reports:

  • Hook On Request: This report provides a listing of all students who have not previously been registered with NQF and have paid the 25.00 NZD Hook On fee.

    The system selects students who do not have an NZQA ID in the system, have not previously been reported to the NQF (SCC_PERSONL_NZL.SSR_NZQA_RPT_FLAG is not Y), and who have paid the NQF Hook On fee.

    When the process selects a student, the SCC_PERSONL_NZL.SSR_NZQA_RPT_FLAG is always set to Y.

    The system produces the Personal Details file with one row per student and the SQR report (NZQARPTS.lis) listing the total number of students in the Hook On file.

  • US Results (Unit Standard Results): This report includes unit standard results (complete or not completed) for students who have paid the per credit fees.

    The system selects students who:

    • Have a milestone flag (MLSTN_ATMPT.MILESTONE_COMPLETE) equal to Y or N.

    • Have a reported flag (SSR_MLSTATM_NZL.REPORTED_FLAG) that is not Y.

    • Have paid the associated fees.

    The system produces the Results file with one row per student per unit standard, the Personal Details file with one row per student in the Results file, and the SQR Report (NZQARPTS.lis) listing a row for each unit standard (milestone) showing the NQF code, NQF credits for that code, and total number of credits reported for all students who have been reported in that unit standard.

  • NZDipBus (NZ Diploma in Business Results): This part of the process is used to report paid NZQA exam results for the NZ Diploma in Business and for Advanced Vocational Awards. Exam results are determined by the grade in STDNT_ENRL. Milestones are not used for this process. The process selects students for this report by searching for payment of a specific exam fee (identified by an item type code specified on the NZQA Run Control page).

    The system produces the Personal Details file and the Results file.

The Graduation Destination Survey Report

The Graduate Destination Report contains the following information:

  • The NZVCC Institution code.

  • Bio/Demo data on each student, including ethnicity and residency data.

  • The NZVCC Qualification.

  • The NZVCC Subject.