Understanding Transcript Levels

Important! The COBOL transcript process is a deprecated product. It is strongly recommended that you use the Application Engine transcript process instead. For more information on the Application Engine transcript process, see Understanding Transcript-Related Processes.

On various pages throughout your Student Administration system, you are prompted to select the transcript level for which you want to print information. The transcript level you select determines the type of transcript on which the information appears. Transcript levels are hierarchically based on the two-digit numeric code in the value column of the translate table for the field TRANSCRIPT_LEVEL. The following table lists the transcript levels and their values in the translate table, and describes each one.

Note: Information in the table about the Advising Report applies only if you set up for COBOL based transcripts, using the Transcript Type component (TSCRPT_TYPE).

Transcript Level



Not Print


Do not print the information on any transcript.



Print the information on the official transcript, the unofficial transcript, and the student life transcript.

Includes all information that is flagged throughout the system as Official, Unofficial, Student Life, and Degree Progress. Can include an Advising Report if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box.



Print the information on the unofficial transcript and the student life transcript.

Includes all information that is flagged throughout the system as Unofficial, Student Life, and Degree Progress. Can include an Advising Report if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box.

Stdnt Life (student life)


Print the information on the student life transcript.

Includes all information that is flagged throughout the system as Student Life and Degree Progress. Can include an Advising Report if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box.

Degr Prog (degree progress)


Print the information on the degree progress transcript, which can include academic advisement information in addition to a transcript.

Does not include a transcript. Includes an Advising Report only if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box. The advising report is ordered and evaluated for each student by career.

When you generate transcripts, the system includes the applicable information for all transcripts types with a value on the translate table greater than or equal to the transcript level you select. For example, if you select Official, the system includes the applicable information on all transcript types. However, if you select Stdnt Life, the system only includes the applicable information on student life transcripts and degree progress transcripts.

Transcript level values are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.