Understanding the Academic Progress Tracker

The Academic Progress Tracker (APT):

  • Records the Academic Items (or program requirements/components) that a student accumulates as the student progresses through a program of study.

  • Maintains the structure of a student’s program requirements (as defined in AIR) so that results can be calculated at user-defined levels and progress can be tracked.

  • Provides a user-defined structure of results and statistics (total credits, grade points, and so on) that is not subject to the constraints imposed by the core term based structure which has a strictly defined set of fields.

While APT provides this flexibility, the core Campus Solutions system is still used to manage admission and enrollment. A student still must have a valid Student Records program stack and, for enrollment purposes, a valid term row. In most cases therefore, the APT instance will be built after a person becomes a student (through the core Campus Solutions process).