Understanding the Schedule of Classes

When you first set up your Student Records system, you schedule new courses for the first time. From then on, it is likely that you will roll classes from term to term, add any new courses to your schedule, and if necessary, revise classes that are already scheduled.

Note: After you set up your course schedule for the first time, you can set parameters along the way that command the system to roll, or copy, certain courses from term to term, and you can request that certain verifications are made against a student's record at enrollment request time. After you copy a prior term schedule to a new term, you can use the scheduling feature to move existing courses from time period to time period, to add sections, and so on.

The scheduling features in the Student Records application include the following four components:

  1. Schedule of Classes

  2. Schedule New Course

  3. Schedule Class Meetings

  4. Update Sections of a Class

The difference between these components is the view of the classes that you see:

  • The Schedule of Classes component displays only those courses that have already been scheduled for a term.

    Instead of having to search through the list of all available courses, you can use the schedule of classes component to view just those courses that you have already scheduled.

  • The Schedule New Course component displays all courses available to schedule.

  • The Schedule Class Meetings component displays individual class sections that have been scheduled.

  • The Update Sections of a Class component displays a snapshot summary of section information for a class.

    You can use this component to view and make changes to individual class sections so that when you save any changes to a section the system performs the save process faster.

Other features of the class schedule function that we discuss in this section include how you create class associations and student permissions for enrollment. We also move through the "combined sections" functionality so that you get an introduction of the power of the tools, and we review instructor schedules and class meeting patterns. Finally, we explore the facility search capabilities, producing the schedule of classes report, and copying classes from term to term.

Particular setup is required if you use the Classroom Scheduling Interface with a third party scheduling system. Refer to the PeopleSoft Student Records Classroom Scheduling Technical Notes in My Oracle Support (ID 704634.1).