Using Student Records Service Impacts

Use service indicators to provide or limit access to services in your system. Service indicators can be holds to prevent an individual from receiving certain services or positive indicators to designate special services to be provided. Service indicators consist of one or more service impact values identifying the types of specific services that are restricted or provided.

Student Records enables you to attach specific service impacts to negative service indicators, which, when assigned to a student, restricts the student from receiving certain services. These specific service impacts are the following:

Field or Control



Restricts all enrollment activity (such as adds, drops, swaps, or wait lists) for a student with existing enrollment for the current term.


Prevents a student from initially enrolling into a class but permits the student to add or drop classes if they already have enrollment activity for the current term.


Prevents a student from initially enrolling into a class and prevents the student from adding a class, but permits the student to drop classes if they have already have enrollment activity for the current term.


Prevents the enrollment verification process from printing a student's enrollment verification request.


Restricts a student's access to self-service View My Grades. Also prevents the student grade report process from printing the student's grade report.


Prevents a student from dropping or swapping a class but permits the student to add classes or make changes to existing enrollments.


Prevents all enrollment activity other than drops that result from the Student Records withdrawal process or the Student Financials cancellation process.