Viewing and Adjusting Evaluation Results

When the evaluation process is run, the system populates the Adjust Evaluation Results component (SSR_STPRGTR_CR_NLD). Evaluation results can be corrected or changed in this component if necessary.

This section discusses how to:

  • View additional details of student evaluation results.

  • Approve adjustments.

  • Adjust evaluation results.

Page Name

Definition Name



Result Determination


Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > View Evaluation Results > Result Determination

View student evaluation results.

Details Determination


Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > View Evaluation Results > Details Determination

View additional details of student evaluation results.

Adjust Approval


Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > Adjust Evaluation Results > Adjust Approval

Manually override the outcome of the evaluation process.

Adjust Result


Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > Adjust Evaluation Results > Adjust Result

Indicate whether a correction needs to be made to a requisite line.

Access the Details Determination page (Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > View Evaluation Results > Details Determination).

Field or Control


Test ID HigLvl (Test ID Higher Level)

Displays the higher level test ID if the lower level test ID has been substituted.

Education Level

Displays the education level from the HEGIS code linked to the test ID in the Test Catalog.

Access the Adjust Approval page (Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > Adjust Evaluation Results > Adjust Approval).

Field or Control


Requisite ID

The requisite ID for which the student has been evaluated.

Requisites are defined on the Requisites table.

See Defining Evaluation Rules.

Approval Result

If necessary, change the result to either Passed or Not Passed.

Result Date

The system populates this field with the date on which the Evaluation process is run.

Access the Adjust Result page (Records and Enrollment > Test Administration NLD > Adjust Evaluation Results > Adjust Result).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Adjust Result page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Adjust Result page

Field or Control



Enter the requisite line number.

Correction Required

Select if the test ID, official grade, or test ID higher level on this line can be replaced by another test ID.