Entering Grades Through Self-Service

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how instructors enter grades through self service.

For instructors to access their midterm and final grade rosters, you must:

  • Generate the rosters.

  • Assign the instructors to classes.

  • Give the assigned instructors appropriate grade roster access of Grade, Approve, or Post.

Page Name

Definition Name



Grade Roster


Self Service > Faculty Center > Grade Roster

Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule

Click the Grade Roster icon on the My Schedule page or the Grade Roster subtab.

Instructors view or enter grades, update the roster's approval status, and post grades.

Grade Change Request


Click the Grade Change Request link on the self-service Grade Roster page.

Instructors submit grade change requests. This link appears after grades are posted.

Send Notification


Click the Notify Selected Students or Notify All Students link on the Self-Service Grade Roster page.

Instructors send email notifications to selected students or all students in a class.

If a notification failure occurs, the sender receives a returned email indicating the type of failure, for example, host unknown.

Students Without Email Address


This page appears when you click the Notify All Students link and students are on the grade roster who do not have email addresses in the system.

Instructors view the students on the grade roster who do not have email addresses.

Transcript Note


Click the Note link on the Transcript Notes tab of the self-service Grade Roster page.

Instructors can add a transcript note to a student's transcript.

Printer Friendly Version


Click the Printer Friendly Version link from the Self Service Grade Roster page.

Displays a printer friendly version of the grade roster.

Access the Grade Roster page (Self Service > Faculty Center Click the Grade Roster icon on the Faculty Center page).

The Grade Roster icon appears on the Faculty Center - My Teaching Schedule page after grade rosters are generated for a class and after the instructor has been assigned grade, approve, or post access within the schedule of classes. Instructors with grade, approve, or post access for the class can assign grades to students. Instructors with approve or post access can use the Approval Status field to update the status of the final grade roster before saving it. Values are Approved, Not Reviewed, and Ready for Review. A status of Approved is required to post the roster. When the status is set to Approved, the post button becomes available for instructors with post access. The instructor can then post grades from the self-service grade roster. When a class is posted, the Request Grade Change button becomes available for instructors to change a student's grade.

The select check box accommodates both the Notify feature as well as in conjunction with add this grade to selected students and add this requirement designation to selected students.

Click the Printer Friendly Version button to print a copy of the grade roster.

On the Grade Roster page, the values that are available in the add this grade to all students field and the Roster Grade field are those for which the Include in Self Service check box on the Grading Scheme Table page is selected.

The add this requirement designation to all students field appears only for classes that meet all of the following conditions:

  • The class has a requirement designation that has a separate grade.

  • The Grade Roster Type value is Final Grade.

  • The Approval Status value is Not Reviewed.

The Converted Roster Grade field appears on the Grade Roster page when at least one roster grade has a value defined in the Convert to Grade field on the Grading Scheme Table page.

On the Grade Change Request page, the values that are available in the Official Grade field are those for which the Include in Self Service check box on the Grading Scheme Table page is selected.