Using Self-Service Participation Data

Self-service users can view and update lists of their own licenses and certificates, memberships, and publications from within Campus Self Service. In addition, individuals can view lists of their own extracurricular activities and honors and awards.

Participation data is set up in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. No additional setup is required for self-service.

Note: Athletic participation is not available from Campus Self Service. You set up and maintain athletic participation data in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions only.

This section lists the pages used for self-service participation data.

Page Name

Definition Name



License and Certificates


  • Click the Licenses/Certificates link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Licenses and Certificates

View a list of your licenses and certificates.

License/Certificate Detail


  • Click the name of the license or certificate on the License and Certificates page to access a view-only version of the License/Certificate Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the License and Certificates page to access an updatable version of the License/Certificate Detail page.

  • Click the ADD A LICENSE/CERTIFICATE button on the Licenses and Certificates page to access an enterable version of the License/Certificate Detail page.

When you access this page from the name of the license or certificate, view details about that license or certificate.

When you access this page using the edit button, view or modify details about that license or certificate.

When you access this page using the ADD A LICENSE/CERTIFICATE button, add another license or certificate to your list of licenses and certificates.



  • Click the Memberships link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Memberships

View a list of your memberships.

Membership Detail


  • Click the name of the membership on the Memberships page to access a view-only version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the Memberships page to access an updatable version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the ADD A MEMBERSHIP button on the Memberships page to access an enterable version of the Membership Detail page.

When you access this from the name of the membership, view details about that membership.

When you access this page using the edit button, view or modify details about that membership.

When you access this page using the ADD A MEMBERSHIP button, add another membership to your list of memberships.

Extracurricular Activities


  • Click the Extracurricular Activities link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Extracurricular Activities

View a list of your extracurricular activities.

Note: Self-service users can view extracurricular activities information, but they cannot enter, modify, or update it.

Honors and Awards


  • Click the Honors/Awards link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Honors and Awards > Academic Honors and Awards

View a list of your academic honors and awards.

Note: Self service users can view academic honors and awards information, but they cannot enter, modify, or update it.



  • Click the Publications link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Publications

View a list of your publications.

Publication Detail


  • Click the name of the publication on the Publications page to access a view-only version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the Publications page to access an editable version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the ADD PUBLICATION button on the Publications page to access an enterable version of the Membership Detail page.

When you access this page from the name of the publication, view details of that publication.

When you access this page using the edit button, view and modify details of that publication.

When you access this page using the ADD PUBLICATION button, add a publication to your list of publications.