Understanding Help Content Management

When you install the PeopleSoft Online Help locally, you can begin using it as soon as it is installed. In addition, you can configure the following areas of the system to customize the help for your organization:

  • You can configure the context-sensitive help for your PeopleSoft applications and Application Designer to use your locally installed online help.

    See Configuring Context-Sensitive Help Using a Locally Installed Online Help Website.

  • To make full-text searching available to users you need to set up the user interface to make the Search field available and display the Search button in the page banner.

    See Enabling the Search Button and Field.

  • If you are using OpenSearch you can set up Search Attribute filters to filter search results based on metadata values in the help files.

    See Adding Attribute Filters for Search Results.

  • You can modify the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files that control the formatting and homepage background of the online help user interface. You can set a custom background image to appear on the homepage for the help, and you can change colors and formatting to match your enterprise branding style. You can also change color and contrast settings to satisfy accessibility requirements that are unique to your organization.

    See Modifying Online Help Style Sheets.

  • If your organization does not need help for a particular subject, you can remove the corresponding help from the PeopleSoft Online Help.

    See Disabling Delivered Products or Subjects.

  • You can make external documentation available through the PeopleSoft Online Help by including custom links in the More section of the Contents sidebar. Examples of external documentation are custom documentation for your organization. The external documentation must be located outside the PeopleSoft Online Help folder structure and must be on a web server.

    See Making External Documentation Available Through the PeopleSoft Online Help.