Storing Attachment Files

This section provides an overview of the attachments and images feature, and discusses how to store attachment files.

The Attachments and Images feature allows you to capture, store, and utilize attributes related to an offering. These attributes can be the visual representation of an offering, the owner's manual in pdf form, or any type of file.

While browsing offerings within either a staged or production version of the catalog, the attachments and images feature allows users to:

  • Link to the partner's website and view the offering's specifications at the source.

  • View one or more attachment files that can be of any type, including a picture.

    The system allows multiple attachments to be associated to a single offering.

Use the URL Maintenance Pageto define the URL identifier for the file server where you are storing attachments. Catalog Management uses the URL Identifier named EOCM_ATT_URL.

Note: To launch the attachments from within Catalog Management, this URL identifier must be defined.

To define the Catalog Management URL identifier:

  1. Define and share a common file server folder to store the attachments.

    In order to be accessed by the application servers, this folder must be shared.

  2. Access the URL Maintenance page.

    Select the URL Identifier named EOCM_ATT_URL.

  3. Enter the URL using the format ftp://userid:password@localhost.

  4. Click Save.