Defining New Capital Acquisition Plans

To appropriate funds for a capital acquisition, you set up a capital acquisition plan by assigning a type; indicating the ChartFields affected; entering cost information; and providing a plan description, justification, and authorization.

Page Name

Definition Name


Capital Acquisition Planning - Details Page


Add a new capital acquisition plan.

CAP Detail Long Description Page


Enter a long description for a selected item in the capital acquisition plan.

See Capital Acquisition Planning - Details Page

CAP Details - Annual Cost Page


Enter and keep track of CAP annual cost for a selected item in the capital acquisition plan.

The values you enter on this page are for information only. The system does not use this information for any validation purposes.

See Capital Acquisition Planning - Details Page

CAP Details - Justification Page


Enter a detailed justification for a selected item in the capital acquisition plan. (optional)

See Capital Acquisition Planning - Details Page

CAP Details - Authorization Page


Authorize each item in the capitalization acquisition plan.

See Capital Acquisition Planning - Details Page

Use the Capital Acquisition Planning - Details page (BD_CAP_DETAILS) to add a new capital acquisition plan.


Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Capital Acquisition Planning > Create (CAP) Plan > Details

Note: Column visibility and order for grids may vary by implementation. Use the scroll bar to view all the available columns.

Field or Control


CAP Class

Select a class:

  • Cost Reduction

  • Expansion

  • Necessity

  • New


The Details group box can contain a single entry if the plan is for a standalone asset, or it can contain many assets that make up a larger project. For example, an expansion project for the Customer Service Department could have three CAP Seq # (sequence numbers), one each to build out a building wing, interior design plans, and furniture and fixtures.

Note: Since this is a new plan, the Original/Adjustment Switch should be set to Original. When you revise existing plans, be sure to select Adjustment instead.

Field or Control



Enter a description for the asset, which may be similar to the plan name if the plan contains only one sequence number. This description and the CAP Sequence number show on the other detail pages associated with capital acquisition planning for the asset.

CAP Type

Select a type. The available CAP types are those defined when you established asset processing. You can generate reports that segregate the assets by the CAP Type you assign here.


Statuses are used for reporting purposes, organizing information or when making adjustments to existing plans. Select a status from the options on the drop-down list:

  • Open: Select this option to open a CAP. You can only associate assets to a CAP that has an open status.

  • Closed: Select this option to close the CAP. The CAP Plan sequence will not be treated as closed until its status is set to Closed; It does not matter if the closing date in the Est Comp field has expired.

  • Entered: Select this status when first entering a CAP.

  • On Hold: Select this status if the CAP is on hold.

  • Approval 1, 2 or 3: Select these statuses to denote the approval phase of the CAP.

Est Comp (estimated completion)

Enter an estimated completion date to be used for tracking this plan. When all the items in this plan are acquired, access the page again and enter the Date Closed. Remember, you must also set the Status to Closed to keep assets from being added to this CAP after it is closed.


To ensure that the audit trail is accurate, enter a requester.

Estimated Cost

The cost you enter displays on the CAP Summary page. You can adjust the cost estimate as time passes by selecting the Adjustment option in the Original/Adjustment Switch field and specifying a different cost. The total of the adjustments and the updated cost estimate also display on the CAP Summary page.

Cost Limit

Enter a maximum cost for the CAP plan; or, enter a % Over Allowed and the system calculates the cost limit automatically based on the percentage that you specify.

% Over Allowed (percentage over allowed)

Specify a percentage to add a margin to your cost estimate. If you specify an amount, the system enables you to add an asset to the plan that pushes your acquisition costs above the limit you set. The system automatically calculates the Cost Limit based upon the estimated amount and the percentage over estimated amount that you specify. The disparity is reflected in the SQRs for capital acquisition planning.