Expanding Depreciation by Period

To maintain optimal table size and increase depreciation processing efficiency, store depreciation entries by fiscal year. However, if you need to store depreciation entries by period rather than by fiscal year, use the Expand Depreciation by Period page to expand fiscal year storage to period storage.

This topic discusses how to expand the depreciation period.

Page Name

Definition Name


Expand Depreciation by Period Page


Store depreciation entries by period. You can expand storage one fiscal year at a time.

Use the Expand Depreciation by Period page (AMDPEXPD_RQST) to store depreciation entries by period.

You can expand storage one fiscal year at a time.


Asset Management > Depreciation > Processing > Expand by Period > Expand by Period

Enter a fiscal year and process frequency. You can run the process for only one fiscal year at a time.

Run Options

Field or Control


Unit Option

Select a business unit option, either All or One. If you select One, select a business unit in the field that appears.

Book Option

Select either All or One. If you select One, select a book name in the field that appears.

GRP Asset Opt (group asset option)

Select a book group asset option, either All or Range. If you specify a range, select values in the From Asset field and the To Asset ID field.