Generating a User-Defined Depreciation SQC Program

Once you have created a new user-defined depreciation method, you must regenerate the AMUDDEPR.SQC program that is called by the main depreciation calculation program AM_DEPR_CALC during the depreciation calculation process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Generate User Defined Methods Page


Regenerate the AMUDDEPR.SQC program that is called by the main depreciation calculation program AM_DEPR_CALC during the depreciation calculation process.

Use the Generate User Defined Methods page (RUN_AMUD_METHOD) to regenerate the AMUDDEPR.

SQC program that is called by the main depreciation calculation program AM_DEPR_CALC during the depreciation calculation process.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Depreciation > AM Generate User Defined Mthds > Generate User Defined Methods

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate User Defined Methods page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Generate User Defined Methods page

The program automatically processes all user-defined depreciation method IDs that you created for that SetID.

Note: Make sure that you copy the output file as AMUDDEPR.SQC in the same directory where the AMDPCALC.SQR program is located.

If you receive any error messages when you run AM_DEPR_CALC, verify that you have copied the SQC properly to the directory where AMDPCALC is stored.

Process Scheduler runs the AMUDMTHD process at user-defined intervals.