Interface Types (Load Types)

The following table defines Interface Types:

Interface Type

Long Name


Tables Updated


Additional Cost Add

Rarely used. Adds cost information to an asset. Mainly used for joint venture and composite rollups.

Cost, Open Trans


Insert Acquisition Detail

Inserts into Acquisition Detail.

Acquisition Detail


Asset Add

Asset add - Financial only. For details, see load type CN2.

Book, Cost, Depr, Open Trans


Asset Cost Adjustment

Adjusts the cost of an existing asset.

Cost, Open Trans


Asset Depreciation

Inserts depreciation information created by the Revaluation en Masse programs.

Depreciation, Open Trans


Adjust Cost and Acquisition Detail

Adjusts the cost and acquisition details of an existing asset.

Acquisition Detail, Cost, Open Trans


Add Retired Asset

Adds an asset that has been fully reserved and retired.

Book, Cost, Depr, Asset, and if applicable Custodian, Asset Location, Warranty, Attribute, License, Comments, and Acquisition Detail


Asset Deletion

Deletes an existing asset. Only assets that have not been used to generate any journals will be deleted.

Asset, Acquisition Detail, Asset Fair Value, Attribute, Comments, Custodian, Location, Maintenance, Warranty, Book, Book Tax Credit, Cost, Depr, Dist Line, Open Trans, Retirement, Lease, Lease Schedule, PI Asset History,


Asset Information Update

Updates the asset table only. Rarely used, except in physical inventory.

Asset, Component of Asset History


Book Deletion

Deletes a book for an asset or business unit. For example, you can use it to delete dummy books used for performing "what if" analyses.

Book, Book Tax Credit, Depr, Dist Line, Retirement, Open Trans


Book Change

Makes any change to an asset book.

Book, Open Trans


Selective Book Delete

Deletes a book from a range of asset IDs. Similar to BKD.

Book, Book Tax Credit, Depr, Dist Line, Retirement, Open Trans


Asset Capitalization

Adds a line of acquisition detail and capitalizes it. If the acquisition detail line is originally uncapitalized, the interface will insert book, cost, and open trans as well as acquisition detail. If it is originally capitalized, the book information will not be inserted.

Acquisition Detail, Book, Cost, Open Trans


Capitalize into Composite

Capitalizes composite assets. Similar to CAP.

Acquisition Detail, Book, Cost, Open Trans


Custodian/Location Change

Updates custodian/location information.

Custodian, Location


Conversion of First Book

During conversion, converts the first asset book. Inserts into all asset tables, as well as financial tables.

Book, Cost, Depr, Open Trans, Asset, Acquisition Detail, Location, PI Asset History, Component of Asset History, Parent Asset, Attribute, Comments, License, Warranty


Conversion of Subsequent Books

During conversion, converts any subsequent books. Inserts only into financial tables.

Book, Cost, Depr, Component of Asset History, Open Trans


Financial and Physical Add

Adds assets with both physical and financial information. This Interface Type is used most commonly for adding assets.

Book, Cost, Depr, Open Trans, Asset, Acquisition Detail, Location, PI Asset History, Component of Asset History, Parent Asset, Attribute, Comments, License, Warranty


Physical Inventory History Insert

Inserts asset history. Used by the Physical Inventory SQR (AMPI1000).

PI Asset History


InterUnit Transfer, In Side

Provides the IN side of an InterUnit Transfer. Valid values for ACTIVITY_SW are:

1 Full Transfer 0 Active ChartField combination –1 Reactivated ChartField combination

For example, one ChartField combination is fully transferred out of a department (ACTIVITY_SW = 1), and an identical ChartField combination is transferred into the same department (ACTIVITY_SW = –1). The activity switch values for the two transactions then cancel each other, resulting in an active ChartField combination (ACTIVITY_SW = 0).

Asset, Book, Cost, Asset Fair Value, Open Trans, Component of Asset History


InterUnit Transfer, Out Side

Used for the OUT side of an InterUnit Transfer. Valid values for ACTIVITY_SW are:

1 Full Transfer 0 Active ChartField combination –1 Reactivated ChartField combination

For example, one ChartField combination is fully transferred out of a department (ACTIVITY_SW = 1), and an identical ChartField combination is transferred into the same department (ACTIVITY_SW = -1). The activity switch values for the two transactions then cancel each other, resulting in an active ChartField combination (ACTIVITY_SW = 0).

Cost, Open Trans


Leased Asset Add

Adds leased assets.

Lease, Lease Schedule, Book, Cost, Depr, Open Trans, Asset, Acquisition Detail, Asset Fair Value, Location, PI Asset History, Parent Asset, Attribute, Comments, License, Warranty


Non-Financial Add

Adds an asset with only physical information.

Asset, Custodian, Location, PI Asset History, Component of Asset History, Parent Asset, Attribute, Comments, License, Warranty, Open Trans


Open Transaction Generator

Creates open transactions for a set of assets. Rarely used.

Open Trans


Physical Asset Change

Performs inserts to any physical asset tables other than the Asset Table, for example, location, custodian, or manufacturer.

Acquisition Detail, Custodian, Location, Attribute, Comments, License, Warranty


Partial Retirement

Performs partial retirements.

Cost, Retirement, Open Trans, Asset


Replace Acquisition Detail

Replaces acquisition details using AMIF1000.

Acquisition Detail


Asset Recategorization

Performs recategorizations.

Cost, Open Trans


Asset Reinstatement

Performs reinstatements.

Cost, Retirement, Open Trans, Asset


Asset Retirement

Performs full retirements.

Cost, Retirement, Open Trans, Asset


Non-Financial Retirements

Performs retirements of non-financial assets.

Asset, Asset Retirement


IntraUnit Transfer

Performs transfers within the same business unit. Valid values for ACTIVITY_SW are:

1 Full Transfer 0 Active ChartField Combination –1 Reactivated ChartField Combination

For example, one ChartField combination is fully transferred out of a department (ACTIVITY_SW = 1), and an identical ChartField combination is transferred into the same department (ACTIVITY_SW = –1). The activity switch values for the two transactions then cancel each other, resulting in an active ChartField combination (ACTIVITY_SW = 0).

Cost, Open Trans