Linking Assets to Existing Capital Acquisition Plans

One of the advantages of capital acquisition planning is that it gives you a measure against which you can chart capital expenditures to ensure that you stay within the projected budget. Once you have completed a capital acquisition plan, you want to ensure that the assets you acquire under that plan are associated with it so that you can view the totals as you approach the estimated cost or cost limit.

Each time you add an asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management, you have the option to assign it a capital acquisition plan number that links it to an open capital acquisition plan. This link can also be made in Purchasing when you create requisitions or purchase orders to purchase assets. Assets created using the interface from Purchasing are automatically associated with the CAP assigned on the requisition.

Note: The capital acquisition plan must have a status of Open to have assets associated with it. A capital acquisition plan that is still in approval phases cannot have assets linked to it.