Entering Third-Party Vouchers

This section provides an overview of third-party vouchers and discusses how to create third-party vouchers.

PeopleSoft Payables supports third-party vouchers, which are invoices that you receive that contain charges other than merchandise charges. No charges for merchandise are on these invoices. The merchandise is billed separately on another invoice. Typically, these types of invoices occur for:

  • Freight charges.

  • Miscellaneous charges, such as insurance.

  • VAT-only invoices.

  • (IND) Customs duty (India only).

By using third-party vouchers for these types of invoices, you can link the charges on the invoices to a merchandise invoice and prorate them across the voucher lines of the merchandise invoice. Linking these freight and miscellaneous charges to the merchandise invoice enables the system to compute the landed cost for the merchandise.

Note: Oracle recommends that you define a VAT transaction type code for third-party VAT vouchers and that you manually override this value on the third-party voucher to ensure that the third-party voucher can be identified on VAT reports.

Third-party vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Understanding Voucher Processing and the Voucher Life Cycle.

To enter third-party vouchers:

  1. Select Third Party Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. Either on the add page or the Invoice Information page, enter the supplier that is to be paid.

    This supplier cannot be the same as the supplier for the source document that you copy in the next step.

  3. Click the Copy PO button or use the Worksheet Copy Option field below the Invoice Information page header to copy information from the appropriate voucher, purchase order, or receiver.

    Note: To get vouchered amounts for third-party charges into PeopleSoft Inventory, you must copy these charges from a receiver. Otherwise, the charges will not be picked up by the Landed Cost Extract Application Engine process (LC_EXTRACT).

  4. Enter additional voucher lines for the purpose of prorating the third-party charge to the distribution lines.

  5. Complete the voucher using the remaining pages in the Voucher component.