Running Document Tolerances with Budget Checking

This section discusses how to run the Document Tolerance Checking process from the Invoice Information page. It also discusses how to verify the document tolerance status on the Summary page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Invoice Information Page


Run Document Tolerances with Budget Checking.

You must run the Document Tolerance process independently as a batch process if you run the Budget Processor process as a batch process.

Voucher - Summary Page


Check the document tolerance status of the voucher. This page appears only after you have saved a new voucher.

If the Commitment Control feature is enabled and document tolerance is enabled for the business unit, you can run document tolerances by initiating a process group that includes the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH), the Document Tolerance Checking process, and the Budget Processor process. You do this by using the Action field on the Invoice Information page. The system runs the Matching process, the Document Tolerance Checking process, and then runs the Budget Processor process. These processes can also be run separately.

Use the Invoice Information page (VCHR_EXPRESS1) to run Document Tolerances with Budget Checking.

You must run the Document Tolerance process independently as a batch process if you run the Budget Processor process as a batch process.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Invoice Information

Field or Control



Select an on-demand process group in the Action field and click Run to initiate budget checking and document tolerance checking.

While the voucher is being processed, the fields in the Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS) are unavailable for entry. Click the Refresh icon to view the processing status of the voucher on the Voucher Summary page.

The process groups that are available depend on your user ID and whether the voucher requires the processing.

Note: You normally run the Budget Processor process as a batch process using the Budget Checking Request page.

Use the Voucher - Summary page (VCHR_SUMMARY_PG) to check the document tolerance status of the voucher.

This page appears only after you have saved a new voucher.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Summary


Field or Control


Document Tolerance Status

If document tolerance checking is enabled, the system displays the document tolerance status. Values are:

Valid: The voucher passed document tolerance checking.

Not Checked: The voucher requires document tolerance checking. If any amounts, quantities, or ChartFields are modified after the document tolerance is checked, the system resets the document tolerance status to Not Checked.

Error: Exceptions were generated for the voucher during document tolerance checking. You can override document tolerance exceptions on the Document Tolerance Exception page.