Running the Payment Posting Process

You can post payments by Bank account, Payment method, and Individual payment.

This section discusses how to create payment accounting entries.

Page Name

Definition Name


Payment Posting Request Page


Create payment accounting entries by running the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).

You may be required to run the Matching and Budget Processor processes, among others, before running the Payment Posting process. You must also pay vouchers before you can post payments.

Use the Payment Posting Request page (PST_PYMNT_RQST) to create payment accounting entries by running the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).

You may be required to run the Matching and Budget Processor processes, among others, before running the Payment Posting process. You must also pay vouchers before you can post payments.


Accounts Payable > Batch Processes > Payment > Payment Posting > Payment Posting Request

Field or Control


Post Payment Option

Specify which payments to include in the Payment Posting process. For each value that you select, different entry fields appear for you to complete. The system saves these settings with the run control ID:

Post All Banks: Posts all eligible payments that belong to any of the bank accounts in the system. Because you are posting payments for all banks, the Post Payment List group box shows no data.

Post Bank Account: Posts all eligible payments for the specified bank account. The SetID, Bank Code, and Bank Account fields become available for entry.

Post Payment: Posts only the payment that you specify. The SetID, Bank Code, Bank Account, Payment Method, and Payment Reference fields become available for entry.

Post Payment Method: Posts all payments using the specified payment method for the bank account that you enter. The SetID, Bank Code, Bank Account, and Payment Method fields become available for entry.

Note: Regardless of the option that you select when the Payment Posting process runs, it posts only those payments that are eligible to post. Therefore, if you choose to post payments for a specific bank account, and you have entered a manual payment on that account that has not yet been applied to one or more vouchers, the system does not post that payment.