Understanding Voucher Build Processing

PeopleSoft Payables provides the Voucher Build process to build vouchers in batch from various source transactions, including transactions originating from third-party systems.

Due to the scope of the voucher build functionality, PeopleSoft Payables does not deliver all online voucher entry functionality as part of the Voucher Build process. Therefore, not all voucher fields are part of the staging and quick invoice tables.

Warning! If you add voucher fields to the staging or quick invoice tables, you must add the associated logic to the Voucher Build process code line. Also, you must modify non-accounts payable voucher source transactions, for example, procurement card invoices and XML invoices, to account for the new field.

This section discusses:

  • Voucher Build process flow.

  • Tables that are accessed by the Voucher Build process.

  • Voucher Build process errors.

The Voucher Build process comprises two subprocesses, pre-edit and voucher edit. The pre-edit subprocess builds skeleton voucher record sets from limited information that you enter online using the Quick Invoice Entry component (VCHR_QUICK_PNL) or the Summary Invoice Entry component (VCHR_SUMM_PNL), or that it retrieves from other sources. After the pre-edit subprocess builds voucher record sets successfully, it calls the voucher edit subprocess to complete these record sets.

Note: If financial sanctions validation is enabled, the Voucher Build process does not consider the financial sanctions status of the supplier, nor does it validate the supplier against any financial sanctions lists (for example, the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list). Therefore, you can build vouchers for any supplier with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked. However, the Pay Cycle Application Engine process (AP_APY2015) does not select vouchers for a supplier that has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked. You cannot pay these vouchers until the financial sanctions status of the supplier is set to Cleared or Valid.

See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Pre-Edit Process Flow

The pre-edit subprocess works in the following way:

  1. It accesses and retrieves invoice data from the source transaction tables or staging tables, and it uses the data to populate the Voucher Build temporary tables.

    Note: The specific source tables and data that the subprocess retrieves depends on the run control selection criteria that you specify on the Voucher Build Request page.

    Vouchers from prior Voucher Build process instances that have been staged for review and released for processing, as well as vouchers with corrected pre-edit errors, can also be selected for reprocessing and are inserted into the temporary tables with the new transactions.

    When loading invoices into the Voucher staging tables using an external source (for example: from a legacy or third-party system) any extra spaces at the end of character fields need to be trimmed, otherwise this extra space can cause a voucher edit error and the voucher will be created in a Recycle status.

    See Tables That are Accessed by the Voucher Build Process.

  2. It performs header error processing by checking for a valid business unit, invoice ID, invoice date, supplier ID, supplier location, address sequence number, and voucher origin.

    The invoice data from some source transactions receive additional error checks.

    See Voucher Build Process Errors.

  3. The subprocess verifies that voucher headers have voucher lines and that voucher lines have distribution lines.

    If applicable, the subprocess creates control groups, builds miscellaneous charge records if absent (based on business unit defaults), and creates payment records.

    Note: The pre-edit subprocess can create payment schedule records only if payment schedule information such as the bank or a payment message is entered through the source transaction component. Quick invoices and voucher data that is staged to the voucher staging tables enable the entry of payment schedule information. For all other source transaction types, the payment records must be created by the voucher edit subprocess using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy defaults.

  4. The subprocess copies purchase order and receiver fields to voucher lines and creates distribution lines, based on either the default voucher build criteria or the voucher build code that is specified in the voucher header.

    This applies when voucher lines reference a purchase order, receiver, packing slip, or bill of lading, and contain no distribution lines.

    If a voucher line has ChartField information and no associated distribution lines, the subprocess creates distribution lines for the voucher line.

    You define voucher build codes in the Voucher Build Criteria component (VCHR_BLD_DEFN).

    See Voucher Build Processing Logic for Associating Voucher Lines with Purchase Order and Receiver Lines.

  5. It stores successfully built voucher record sets in the voucher build temporary tables and calls the voucher edit subprocess.

    If the skeleton voucher fails any of the header error checks, or if the purchase order and receiver association for a quick invoice, summary invoice, or spreadsheet voucher fails, the subprocess marks the voucher as having a pre-edit error. Such errors prevent the vouchers from being processed by the voucher edit subprocess, and the pre-edit subprocess writes these vouchers with pre-edit errors to the quick invoice tables.

    You can review vouchers with pre-edit errors using the Build Errors page and the Voucher Build Error Detail page. From these pages you can link directly to the Quick Invoice Entry component, where you can correct the vouchers and release them for reprocessing.

    Voucher contracts, evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) vouchers, and return to vendor (RTV) vouchers can be designated as staged for review. The pre-edit subprocess also writes these to the quick invoice tables instead of passing them to the voucher edit subprocess. You review and release these vouchers for further voucher build processing by using the Quick Invoice Entry component.

Voucher Edit Process Flow

The voucher edit subprocess works in the following way:

  1. It loads newly built voucher data from the Voucher Build temporary processing tables to the Voucher Edit work tables.

    If specifically requested on the run control, the voucher edit subprocess also loads any vouchers in the online voucher tables that match the run control criteria. These could be recycled vouchers or vouchers that were modified using the Voucher Mass Maintenance component (VCHR_MASS_MAINT) or the Voucher Maintenance component (VCHR_CORRECTION).

  2. It performs the following tasks:

    • Uses the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy to determine the default values with which to populate voucher fields that don't contain data.

    • Performs field-level, relational, and balancing edits for the voucher header, voucher line, voucher distribution line, and scheduled payment records.

    • Calculates net payment due dates, discount due dates, and discount amounts according to the payment terms.

    • Prorates freight, miscellaneous charges, sales tax, use tax, value-added tax (VAT), and discounts across distribution lines for applicable voucher lines.

    • Schedules one or more payments according to payment terms and user-entered control data.

    • Voucher Edit process validates the Same Day Layout codes SPSVNDRSDA, SPSTRVLSDA, SPSMISCSDA, PAMVNDRSDA, PAMTRVLSDA, or PAMMISCSDA entered on Voucher build sources for Payment Method EFT with the Payment Schedule Restriction page. The process sets the Vouchers to Recycle status if the layout codes does not exists on the Payment schedule Restriction page.

    • Voucher Edit process validates the each payment schedule with the Amount Per Payment limit set on Payment schedule Restriction page for Payment Method EFT and Same Day Layout codes SPSVNDRSDA, SPSTRVLSDA, SPSMISCSDA, PAMVNDRSDA, PAMTRVLSDA, or PAMMISCSDA. The process sets the Vouchers to Recycle status if Payment exceeds the Amount Per Payment limit.

    • Validates the vouchers, assigning document sequencing numbers and updating the status of one-time suppliers, where appropriate.

  3. It moves the voucher data from the voucher edit work tables to the online voucher tables.

    At the end of the voucher edit subprocess, error-free vouchers are set to the status Postable. Vouchers that are flagged with errors during the voucher edit subprocess are assigned the status Recycle. You can inquire on and correct batch-processed vouchers with voucher edit errors by using the Build Errors page, the Voucher Build Error Detail page, the Voucher Maintenance Search component, the Voucher Maintenance component, and the Voucher component.

  4. It publishes an XML message with voucher details if you select the Publish Voucher Messages option on the Voucher Build page.

    You can notify suppliers that you have received their invoices for any sources transactions. The XML message structure is defined in the message AP_VCHR_MESSAGE_OUT.

The following table lists the tables that the Voucher Build process accesses for each source transaction:

Source Transactions

Tables Accessed

  • PeopleSoft eSettlements self-service invoices.

  • Summary invoices.

  • Quick invoices.

  • XML invoices.

  • Document Management invoices

Quick invoice tables:






  • PeopleSoft Billing (interunit) invoices.

  • Debit memo vouchers.

  • Electronic data interchange (EDI) invoice transactions.

  • PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management transactions.

  • Procurement card invoices.

  • PeopleSoft Receivables refunds.

  • Spreadsheet vouchers.

  • Voucher enterprise integration point (EIP) transactions.

Voucher staging tables:









Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) vouchers.

Receiver and purchase order tables:




  • PO_HDR



Return to vendor (RTV) adjustments.

RTV tables:


  • RTV_LN



Voucher contracts.

Contract staging tables:




Purchase order (PO) voucher contracts.

Contract staging tables and PO tables:





  • PO_HDR




Consigned inventory items.








  • PeopleSoft Lease Administration vouchers.

  • Vendor Rebate transactions.

Voucher staging tables:





PeopleSoft Order Management claim transactions.

Voucher staging tables:




Payment Request Vouchers

Payment Request Tables:




IPAC Vouchers

IPAC Voucher Staging Tables




The Voucher Build process can result in pre-edit errors, which are stored in the quick invoice tables, or vouchers in recycle status, which are stored in the online voucher tables.

Pre-edit Errors

Pre-edit errors prohibit the transaction from being processed by voucher edit processing. For example, if the transaction has an invalid supplier ID, the voucher edit subprocess cannot process default values correctly, because supplier ID is part of the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy. The following general conditions result in pre-edit errors:

  • Invalid business unit.

  • Invalid supplier.

  • No default location for supplier.

  • Blank invoice ID, and auto-assign option is not selected on the run control page.

  • No invoice date, and auto-assign option is not selected on the run control page.

  • Invalid supplier location (if specified).

  • Invalid supplier address (if specified).

  • Invalid voucher origin (if specified).

  • No association of purchase order or receiver lines with voucher lines, and distribution information is absent.

  • No voucher line information.

Recycled Vouchers

Vouchers without pre-edit errors pass to the voucher edit subprocess. The voucher edit subprocess marks any vouchers that fail its edits as Recycled. The edits that are performed by the voucher edit process are essentially the same as those that are performed by the Voucher component.

Note: Any voucher validations that you can set up to pass and provide a warning during online voucher entry, such as duplicate invoice checking or sales tax tolerance, pass the voucher edit process without warning.

Any voucher validations that you set up to reject an online voucher that fails, such as duplicate invoice checking or ChartField editing, are set to recycle by the Voucher Build process. If the Voucher Build process finds duplicate vouchers, it sets both to recycle status.

Note: Because VAT calculation, rebate, and recovery details for procurement card vouchers are maintained in PeopleSoft Purchasing, procurement card vouchers in a VAT environment can produce Voucher Build process errors. These are reported on the Build Errors and Voucher Build Error Detail pages like other Voucher Build process errors. However, unlike other Voucher Build process errors, you correct procurement card voucher errors using the Reconcile Statement page in PeopleSoft Purchasing.