Creating a PeopleSoft Receivables Business Unit

You must define a business unit and associate it with a SetID before you set up other tables. This topic lists prerequisites and discusses how to create a business unit.

Page Name

Definition Name


Business Unit Definition Page


Create a new business unit.

Before you set up business units, you must decide on your TableSet structure and set up SetIDs.

See the documentation on planning records and TableSets in the PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide.

Use the Business Unit Definition page (BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR1) to create a new business unit.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Receivables > Receivables Definition > Business Unit Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Unit Definition page.

Receivables Definition - Business Unit Definition page

Field or Control


Default SetID

Enter the value of an existing business unit whose SetID you want to copy, or enter a new business unit ID to establish a new generic SetID that has the same name as the business unit that you are adding.

Create BU (create business unit)

Click to create the receivables business unit and SetID.

Automatic Numbering

Field or Control


Deposit ID

Enter a deposit ID.

Group ID

Enter a group ID.

Receipt Number

Enter a receipt number.

SP Item ID Prefix, Cancel Prefix, and Refund Prefix

Enter prefixes for the Service Purchase (SP) invoices created by PeopleSoft Pension Administration. The system uses the following prefixes to identify items when they are displayed in one of the Worksheets:

  • SP Item ID Prefix = SPI

  • Cancel Prefix = CNL

  • Refund Prefix = RFD

SP Item ID, Cancel ID, and Refund ID

Enter 1 for the initial value.

Send From Email

Field or Control


From Email Address

Enter an email address to override the default system address when Override Send From Email is selected at Installation Options Receivables page. See Installation Options - Receivables Page.

When a dunning letter or statement is associated with a single business unit, this email address is used as sender email address. If no email address is specified here, From Email Address specified at the Receivables Option level is used as sender email. If no email address is specified at the Receivables Option level, the default system email address is used as sender email address.