Generating Correspondence Using Condition Monitor

The Condition Monitor process creates actions to generate correspondence. Correspondence generation timing depends on whether you specified that the action should be automated or proposed when you set up your action templates.

If the action is automated and due today or earlier, the Condition Monitor:

  • Adds the action item to the Action List table (PS_ACTION_LST).

  • Inserts a record in the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table (PS_CM_CRSPD_IFC) that includes the type of action, such as Send Follow Up Letter, and sets the process flag on the record to Y.

  • Calls the appropriate correspondence process when the Condition Monitor completes.

    Depending on the action, the process calls either the Dunning Application Engine process (AR_DUNNING), Follow Up Letter Extract Application Engine process (AR_FOLLOWUP), or the Statements Application Engine process (AR_STMTS).

If the action is proposed, the timing depends on the selection on the Letter Delivery page when you initiate the action. The system either:

  • Transfers you to the appropriate run control for the type of correspondence and populates the run control parameters.

  • Generates the correspondence the next time that you run the Condition Monitor process or the next time you run the appropriate correspondence process from the run control page.

    The system creates a record on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table for the action.

The Statements, AR Dunning, and Follow Up Letters Extract processes:

  • Generate correspondence for customers that have actions on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table with the appropriate action code, such as Send Follow Up Letter or Send Statement.

  • Use the contact for the correspondence customer to determine the delivery method and the e-mail address or fax number.

    If there is no preferred delivery method such as e-mail or fax for a customer's contact person, the system prints the correspondence.

  • Extract the email address or fax number for the contact when the delivery method is Email or Fax.

Follow-up Letters

The Follow Up Letter Extract process (AR_FOLLOWUP):

  • Selects customers on the action list whose action is OLTR.

  • Creates a flat file for the selected letters and delivery method combination for each job run.

Dunning Letters

The Dunning process (AR_DUNNING):

  • Updates the Dunning ID number field on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table based on the dunning ID number assigned to the letters.

  • Uses the letter code that you assign as the action parameter for the action list item to determine the text to include in the letters when the dunning ID for the customer uses the dunning method Dunning By Action List.

    Note: If the customer has a dunning ID with different dunning method other than Dunning By Action List, the process does not generate the letter. You must run the process from the run control page to generate the letter.

  • Selects customers on the action list whose action is DLTR.

  • Includes open items that met the selection criteria for the dunning ID assigned to the bill to customers on the action list.

  • Updates the Customer Dunning Letter Header table (PS_DUN_CUST) and the Dunning Detail table (PS_DUN_CUST_DTL), so that you can view the letter information online.


The Statements process (AR_STMTS):

  • Selects customers on the action list whose action is STMT.

  • Includes open items for all bill to customers associated with the collection customer on the action list.

  • Updates the Statement ID number field on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table based on the statement ID number assigned to the job.

  • Updates the Customer Statement Header table (PS_STMT_CUST) and Statement Detail table (PS_STMT_DTL), so that you can view the statement information online.