(JPN) Receiving EFT Payments

Page Name

Definition Name


Load EFT Payments Page


Use to load regular payments from an EFT file.

Payment Interface Page


Define run parameters for the Payment Loader process to load EFT payments into the payment application tables.

See Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process.

See the Payment Interface Page for more information.

To process EFT payments:

  1. Run the AR_DRAFT_EFT Application Engine process to load the EFT files into the Payment staging table (AR_PAYMENT_EC).

    The process extracts regular payments from the file if the creation date equals the accounting date (due date). If the customer name can be resolved to a customer ID, the system also creates a customer staging record (AR_IDCUST_EC). The process uses the Kijitsu file layout.

  2. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application tables.

  3. View Application Engine messages.

  4. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits page or Incomplete Deposits page.

  5. Correct errors in the deposit and payment entry pages and the Payment Interface Duplicates component.

  6. If you use cash control accounting and you have a duplicate out-of-balance deposit, run the Cash Control process to create the cash control accounting entries.

    See Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries.

You must associate the customer IDs with the customer names in the EFT files on the Customer EFT Name page.

Use the Load EFT Payments page (DR_EFT_REQUEST) to load regular payments from an EFT file.


Accounts Receivable > Drafts > Create Drafts > Receive Draft Payments > Load EFT Payments

Field or Control



Select Payments or Both to process the regular payments in the EFT file.

Note: If you select Both, the process loads draft and regular payments.


This field is used only for draft processing.

File Name

Enter a name for the EFT file. The name of the EFT file must be unique. The file must be loaded into the directory on the application server defined by %PS_SERVDIR%\FILES, where %PS_SERVDIR% is the directory where the application server domain is defined. If you process the EFT file using Process Scheduler, then you need to load the file into %PS_CFG_HOME%\appserv\prcs\ <database name>\files.

After the system processes the file, it updates a table (DR_FILE_NAME) on the database with the name of the flat file that has been loaded. Using a unique file name prevents drafts or payments from being entered into the system twice. Only the file name is stored, not the path.

Use the Payment Interface page (PAYLOAD_REQUEST) to define run parameters for the Payment Loader process to load EFT payments into the payment application tables.


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Process Payment Interface > Payment Interface

Select the EDI 820 check box.