Looking Up Information About Payments

This topic lists the pages used to look up information about payments.

Page Name

Definition Name



All Deposits


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > All Deposits > All Deposits

View details about a specific deposit ID (including control totals and status) or scan all deposits, one at a time.

All Payments


  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > All Payments > All Payments

  • Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > Payment Status > All Payments

View the status of a specific payment.

Item Activity From A Payment


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Payments > Item Activity From Payment > Item Activity From A Payment

Review all items paid by a single payment.

Cash Received by Unit


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > By Unit > Cash Received by Unit

View cash received by one business unit or scan all business units, one at a time.

Cash Received By Bank Account


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > By Bank Account > Cash Received By Bank Account

Reconcile your database with information received from the bank.

Incomplete Deposits


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > Incomplete Deposits > Incomplete Deposits

View posted and unposted deposits that are not yet completely processed. View the payment amount in a deposit that is still in process, summarize out-of-balance deposits (only), or look at the list of incomplete deposits by user.

Incomplete Payments


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > Incomplete Payments > Incomplete Payments

View payments that are not complete (not yet posted).