Receiving Lockbox Deposits

Page Name

Definition Name


Lockbox Page


Run the Lockbox SQR process (AR25001) that imports lockbox files to the staging tables.

Payment Interface Page


Run the Payment Loader Application Engine process for lockbox deposits.

See Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process.

See the Payment Interface Page for more information.

Lockbox Run Information Page


Review the control totals for the lockbox deposit. This page compares the payment count and amount with the lockbox totals.

Lockbox deposits automatically update deposit and payment information from a bank or payment collection system. The automatic update process includes these conditions, that:

  • Each lockbox file can have multiple lockboxes.

  • Each lockbox can have multiple deposits with multiple payments.

  • Each deposit is identified by the bank and bank account it came from.

  • Each payment can be in a different currency.

The Lockbox process accepts deposits with these payment methods: CHK (check), EFT (electronic file transfer), and GE (giro - EFT). If an invalid value is found in the lockbox file, the process assign a default payment method. The process will use:

  1. The payment method assigned to the deposit type that shares the same SetID as the deposit business unit.

  2. The payment method specified on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page for the deposit business unit.

  3. A check as the payment method for the deposit.

Oracle provides you with a record layout for lockbox transmissions that mirrors the online deposit entry pages and is ANSI X12-compatible. Oracle designed the interface guidelines for recording deposit and payment information to provide you with all of the information that you currently receive from your lockbox.

Important! You must specify the path on the application server where the lockbox input file resides to run the Lockbox process (AR25001). This enables the Lockbox process to read and process the lockbox file from any location on the application server.

Perform these steps to receive electronic payments:

  1. Run the Lockbox process to load data from the flat file into the staging tables.

  2. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application tables.

    Note: You can combine the Lockbox and Payment Loader processes in a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler job and run them together.

  3. View the Application Engine error messages in the Process Monitor.

    The Payment Loader process compares the control totals and counts with the calculated totals at all levels (deposit, lockbox, and file). If they do not match, the process issues an error message. Batch level errors have an Out of Balance status.

  4. Review the received control totals on the Lockbox Run Information page.

  5. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits page or Incomplete Deposits page.

  6. Correct errors on the deposit and payment entry pages and on the Payment Interface Duplicates page.

  7. If you use cash control accounting and a duplicate or out-of-balance deposit exists, run the Cash Control Application Engine process (AR_CASHCNTL) to create the cash control accounting entries after correcting the errors.

Use the Lockbox page (LOCKBOX_REQUEST) to run the Lockbox SQR process that imports lockbox files to the staging tables.


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Retrieve Lockbox Files > Lockbox

Field or Control


Name of Lockbox File

Enter the name of the file that contains deposits from one or more lockboxes. This value can be up to 80 characters long. If you leave the lockbox file name blank on the Run Control page, you will receive an error indicating that you must enter a value in this field before you can continue with the processing.

File Directory

Enter the path on the application server where the lockbox input file resides.

Note: If you do not specify the path on the Lockbox run control page, the error message 6890 appears stating: "You have left file directory empty and a value is required." If the path that you specified on the Lockbox run control page has spaces, the program eliminates the spaces before processing the lockbox file.

Process Frequency

Select a process frequency value of Always, Don't, or Once.

Last Date Run

Displays the last date that the Lockbox process was run.

Last Run Time

Displays the time that the last Lockbox process was run.


Click to schedule the Lockbox process to run. You can review its progress based on the generated process instance number that appears on the Lockbox run control page.

Process Instance

Displays the process instance that was generated the last time the Lockbox process was run.

Note: If the file is on the client, you must run the process on the client. If the file is on the server, you must run it on the server.

Use the Payment Interface page (PAYLOAD_REQUEST) to run the Payment Loader process for lockbox deposits.


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Process Payment Interface > Payment Interface

Select the Lockbox check box.

Use the Lockbox Run Information page (LB_CONTROL_AMTS ) to view the control totals for the lockbox deposit.

This page compares the payment count and amount with the lockbox totals.


Accounts Receivable > Payments > Electronic Payments > Review Deposit Information > Lockbox Run Information

Field or Control


Lockbox ID

Displays the ID that was processed.

Transmission Date/Time

Indicates the time that the file was transmitted.

Processed Date/Time

Indicates the time that the Payment Loader process processed the lockbox.

Control Information

Displays the control information from the lockbox, the calculated results and the difference for the deposit count, payment count, and payment amount. The difference should be zero. If not, errors exist in the lockbox.