Reprinting Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name


Item List Page


Select invoices to reprint.

See Selecting Items for Reprinting.

See the Item List Page for more information.

Invoices Reprint Overrides Page


Run the Reprint Invoice multiprocess job and override the default parameters for generating invoices.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to reprint invoices that you created in PeopleSoft Billing that are associated with open items. You cannot reprint invoices that originate in PeopleSoft Grants that have a letter of credit ID. If you select to print these PeopleSoft Grants invoices or invoices that are created in a third-party billing system, the system issues a warning message.

The Reprint Invoice multiprocess job (BIJOB19) uses the server and printer that you specify on the User Preferences - Billing page. You can override these parameters when you reprint the invoices. The invoices print in the customer's language.

The existence of a summarization template on invoice lines determines whether the system prints a summarized or detailed pro forma or actual invoice. If you are printing an invoice with multiple invoice lines, the system performs the following tasks:

  • If any of the lines in the invoice has a summarization template, the system generates a summarized pro forma or actual invoice.

  • If none of the lines has a summarization template, the system generates a detail pro forma or actual invoice.

(NLD) If you enabled acceptgiro for the billing business unit associated with the item, the system prints the invoice with an acceptgiro attachment. If the original invoice in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Purchasing was printed with an acceptgiro attachment, the system uses the same acceptgiro reference number.

If you enabled acceptgiro for the billing business unit, you must enter the bank account information for the remit to customer on the Customer Bank page.

Use the Item List page (ITEM_LIST) to select invoices to reprint.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Item List

To reprint invoices:

  1. Enter search criteria for the items and click Search.

  2. Select the items for which you want to reprint invoices.

    Note: You must select items that came from PeopleSoft Billing and have a billing business unit that is associated with them and a valid invoice number in the Invoice field.

  3. Select Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field and click Go.

Use the Invoice Reprint Overrides page (BI_RPT_OVRRIDE_SEC) to run the Reprint Invoice multiprocess job and override the default parameters for generating invoices.


Select Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field on the Item List page and click Go.

Override the print parameters as needed and click OK to run the Reprint Invoices job.

Field or Control


Custom Label

Enter additional text that you want to print on the invoice.

Print Invoice Sort By

Select the order in which the invoices print. Values are Bus Unit, Invoice (business unit, invoice), Country, Postal, and Customer, Invoice. For example, if you select Customer, Invoice, the system prints the invoices by customer in invoice number order.

Server Name

Select the server on which to run the Reprint Invoices job.

Output Destination

Specify whether the invoices should print to a file or on a printer and enter the path for the output in the Output Destination field.