Reviewing Receivables Activity for a Business Unit

You can use inquiry pages to look up customer balances and various summaries of other receivables activity at the business unit level.

Page Name

Definition Name


Out of Balance Customer Page


Determine whether a customer's balance matches the total amount of the customer's open items. This page is available only if the balance and the open item total do not match for a customer in the business unit.

Unit Activity Page


View activity that you posted to a business unit. The system includes only payments that are completely posted in the totals.

Unit Cash Page


View cash applied and cash received by a business unit.

Unit Draft Page


View draft summary information at the business unit level.

Unit Aging Page


View aging summary information at the business unit level.

Unit Aging Chart Page


View a chart with aging information for a business unit. The types of charts are two-dimensional bar, horizontal bar, line chart, or stacked bar.

Business Unit History Page


View history summary at the business unit level.

Business Unit History Chart Page


View a chart with history information for a business unit. The types of charts are two-dimensional bar, horizontal bar, line chart, or stacked bar.

Receivables Activity Page


Enter run parameters for the Receivables Activity report (AR20005). Use this SQR report to view activities and amounts for items with the ChartField values in the receivables (AR) distribution line specified on the run control.

The AR20005 Receivable Activity report assumes that any manually created overdue charge items are designated by a user defined entry type that is equal to or prefixed with OC. System-generated overdue charges already satisfy this criteria and are included in the Overdue Charge Amount column.

See also PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z.

Use the Out of Balance Customer page (CUSTOMER_OOB) to determine whether a customer's balance matches the total amount of the customer's open items.

This page is available only if the balance and the open item total do not match for a customer in the business unit.

This situation should never occur but if it does, then your database is out of sync. Contact the system administrator for your organization. This page helps the system administrator investigate the problem.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Out of Balance Customers > Out of Balance Customer

Use the Unit Activity page (SYSTEM_ACTIVITY) to view activity that you posted to a business unit.

The system includes only payments that are completely posted in the totals.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit Activities > Unit Activity

Field or Control


Activity Type

Use to select a business unit activity. Each activity is divided into different categories of related system functions that perform the calculations. You can modify these categories on the System Functions 1 page.

Display Amount Switch

Choose to display either the base amount and currency or the entry amount and currency on this page.

This table lists the business unit activities, categories, and system functions that should be associated with the categories on the System Function 1 page:



System Functions

Activity Type


Cash Applied


Draft Management

Direct Debit Management

Overdue Charges




Write-offs - Maintenance

Write-offs - Payments

IT-01, IT-02

WS-01, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08

WS-02, WS-03

DM-01, -02, -03, -04, -05,-06



MT-01, -04, -05

MT-08, MT-09

TR-01, TR-02

MT-02, -03, -06, -07

WS-09, -10, -11

Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code


Cash Applied


Draft Management

Direct Debit Management

Overdue Charges




Write-offs - Maintenance

Write-offs - Payments

If you selected Breakdown by Origin in the Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code field on the System Function 1 page for a system function, the system displays one row per origin ID or bank code, depending on the system function. Draft and payment groups use bank codes; all other groups use origins.

IT-01, IT-02

WS-01, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08

WS-02, WS-03

DM-01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06



MT-01, -04, -05

MT-08, MT-09

TR-01, TR-02

MT-02, -03, -06, -07

WS-09, -10, -11

Entry Type

The system displays one row for each entry type that has activity.

Not applicable

Group-Type/Origin/Bank Code

The system displays one row for each group type. If you selected Breakdown by Origin in the Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code field on the System Function 1 page for a system function, the system displays one row per origin ID or bank code, depending on the system function. Draft and payment groups use bank codes; all other groups use origins.

Not applicable

Entry Type/Entry Reason

The system displays one row for each entry type and reason combination that has activity.

Not applicable

Use the Unit Cash page (BUS_UNIT_CASH) to view cash applied and cash received by a business unit.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit Cash > Unit Cash

Use the Unit Draft page (BUS_UNIT_DRAFT) to view draft summary information at the business unit level.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit Drafts > Unit Draft

Use the Unit Aging page (BUS_UNIT_AGING) to view aging summary information at the business unit level.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit Aging > Unit Aging

Use the Unit Aging Chart page (BUS_UNIT_AGINGCHRT) to view a chart with aging information for a business unit. The types of charts are two-dimensional bar, horizontal bar, line chart, or stacked bar.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit Aging > Unit Aging Chart

Use the Business Unit History page (BUS_UNIT_HISTORY) to view history summary at the business unit level.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit History > Business Unit History

Use the Business Unit History Chart page (BUS_UNIT_HIST_CHRT) to view a chart with history information for a business unit.

The types of charts are two-dimensional bar, horizontal bar, line chart, or stacked bar.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Analysis > Review Receivables Information > Unit History > Business Unit History Chart

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Unit History Chart page.

Business Unit History Chart page

Enter search criteria, the chart selection, and the chart type, and then click Draw Chart to display the chart.

Use the Receivables Activity page (RUN_AR20005) to enter run parameters for the Receivables Activity report (AR20005).

Use this SQR report to view activities and amounts for items with the ChartField values in the receivables (AR) distribution line specified on the run control.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results-Upd Pend Items > Receivables Activity Report > Receivables Activity

Field or Control


Remaining Amount

Enter an operator, such as equal to or greater than, and enter an amount. The report includes only items whose balance meets the condition.

Only Write-off Activity

Select to include only items that have a write-off activity.


Enter the ChartField values for each ChartField in the AR distribution line used to select items for inclusion in the report.