Setting Up Reference Qualifiers

Page Name

Definition Name


Reference Qualifier Page


Define new payment reference qualifiers that you will use to identify payment reference information and items when building worksheets.

To set up reference qualifiers, use the Reference Qualifier component (AR_FLD_REF_TBL).

Payment remittance information can contain a variety of reference numbers, such as:

  • Purchase order numbers.

  • Item IDs.

  • Bill of lading numbers.

  • Statement IDs.

  • (NLD) Acceptgiro payment reference numbers.

  • Public voucher numbers.

When you enter a payment electronically or online, you must supply the meaning of the reference information. Reference qualifiers are codes that you establish for this purpose.

Also use reference qualifier codes to identify the types of references to use when building a payment, transfer, maintenance, or draft worksheet. For example, if you select a reference qualifier code for a purchase order, the system uses purchase order numbers for the reference information and builds a worksheet with the items for which the purchase order numbers match the ones that you specified in your selection criteria. You assign the default reference qualifier code at the business-unit level.

Use the Reference Qualifier page (AR_FLD_REF_TBL) to define new payment reference qualifiers that you will use to identify payment reference information and items when building worksheets.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Options > View Reference Qualifiers > Reference Qualifier

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reference Qualifier page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Reference Qualifier page

Field or Control


Field Name

Select a field from PS_ITEM_ALL_PVN_VW that the remittance information references.

Prompt Table

Select a prompt record for the reference qualifier code, which the system uses to display an appropriate list when a user prompts on the field online.

This table lists the prompt tables for the key reference qualifier fields:

Field Name

Prompt Table

Document (DOCUMENT)


Item ID (ITEM)


Bill of Lading (BILL_OF_LADING)


Purchase Order Number (PO_REF)


Statement ID (ST_ID_NUM)


Sales Order Number (ORDER_NO)


Letter of Credit (LC_ID)


(NLD) Acceptgiro Payment Reference Number (AG_REF_NBR)


Public Voucher Number (PUBLIC_VOUCHER_NBR)