Understanding Pending Data Conversion

The Receivables Update process is the only method that PeopleSoft Receivables uses to update posted information: customer balance and history information, corresponding item information, item activity, item value-added tax (VAT) activity, and item accounting entries.

The following tables contain pending item information that the Receivables Update process processes:

  • Group Control (PS_GROUP_CONTROL)

  • Pending Item (PS_PENDING_ITEM)

  • Pending VAT (PS_PENDING_VAT)

  • Pending Tax (PS_PENDING_TAX)

  • Pending Tax Details (PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL)

  • Pending Distribution Lines (PS_PENDING_DST)

This topic discusses approaches and considerations that are important when you convert accounts receivable from your existing system to PeopleSoft Receivables.

For more information, see Understanding Customer Data Integration and Receiving Information from a Billing System.

The PS_GROUP_CONTROL and PS_PENDING_ITEM tables that contain pending information are populated by interface programs that you supply to convert receivables from your existing system and bring in information from billing systems.

The PS_PENDING_VAT table has a specialized use for VAT processing, and the interface program populates it during conversion. You generally do not need to populate the PS_PENDING_DST table, as discussed later in this section.

The PS_PENDING_TAX and PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL tables are used for tax processing in India. The interface program populates the tables during conversion.

Conversion Example

You decide to keep all customer setup information in one TableSet. Five business units share the customer information in this TableSet. Some customers may have balances in all five business units; others may have a balance in only one or two business units.

The interface program that you create to add customer information to PeopleSoft Receivables populates the necessary customer tables for the TableSet. Meanwhile, the interface program that you create to bring in existing receivables creates groups of pending items. The pending item records contain the relevant business unit and customer combinations.

For each open item a customer has in a business unit, the interface program creates a pending item with an assigned business unit, customer ID, and item ID. When the Receivables Update process processes these pending items, it determines if it can use the customer ID that is established in the TableSet for this business unit. It then creates the customer balance and history information for the customer in the business unit.