Understanding the Financials Audit Framework for PeopleSoft Receivables

This topic presents an overview of Financials Audit Framework (audit logging) for PeopleSoft Receivables.

The Financials Audit Framework (audit logging) provides efficient tracking of transaction processing that results in enhanced visibility and detailed audit trails. The framework is a centralized structure that allows you to identify the statuses of transactions to be tracked, including online views to search the audit log results by source, transaction and user. You can also archive and purge the audit logs.

You must enable the document events based on the document name in PeopleSoft Receivables for which you want audit logging performed. You can also select the Include Archive check box for each document name to include data archived by the PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management.

  • Enable Audit Logging

  • Search Audit Logs

  • Purge Audit Logs

Use the Enable Audit Logging page (FS_AUDITLOG_ENABLE) to enable PeopleSoft Receivables document events for audit logging.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Audit Logging > Enable Audit Logging > Enable Audit Logging

Document Name

Event Name

AR Deposit

Create the Deposit

Delete the Deposit

Post the Deposit

AR Customer Draft


Worksheet Approved


Draft Created

Oh Hold

Worksheet Rejected

Remitted to Bank

Worksheet Built

AR Item

AR Rebate

AR Revenue Estimate

Auto Maintenance

Credit Card Worksheet

Condition Monitor

Create Item

Apply Direct Debit

Cancel Direct Debit

Post Direct Debit

Draft Worksheet

Dun Item

Maintain Item

AR Pending Item

Create Pending Item

Delete External Pending Item

Delete Pending

Post Pending Item

Update External Pending Item

Update Pending Item

AR Payment

Payment Applied

Credit Card Applied

Credit Card Worksheet

Create Payment

Delete Worksheet

Delete Payment

Directly Journaled Payment

Post Payment

Payment Predictor Applied

Payment Predictor Worksheet

Unpost Payment

Update Worksheet

Create Worksheet