Working with Items in the My Work Grouplet

The Items link group in the Fluid My Work grouplet includes these links to transaction areas in small and large form factors:

  • Open Items

  • Maintenance Worksheets to Post

  • Transfer Worksheets to Post

  • Pending Item Groups to Post

Items Link Text

Fluid Page Name and Definition

Row Counts (in parenthesis)

Alternate Navigation (Classic)

Available Group Actions

Open Items

Open Items page (AR_WC_ITEM_LIST_FL)

Open items

Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Item List

Gen Dunning Letter (generate dunning letter)

Gen Open Item Rpt (generate open item report)

Maintenance Worksheets to Post

Maintenance Worksheets to Post page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL_FL)

Maintenance worksheets available to post

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action

Delete Worksheet

Batch Priority

Batch Standard

Do Not Post

Post Now

Post Now to GL

Transfer Worksheets to Post

Transfer Worksheets to Post page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL_FL)

Transfer worksheets available to post

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet

Delete Worksheet

Batch Priority

Batch Standard

Do Not Post

Post Now

Post Now to GL

Pending Item Groups to Post

Pending Item Groups to Post page (AR_WC_PNDITM_SEL_FL)

Pending item groups available to delete or post

Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, External Items, Group Entry, Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Overdue Charge Items, Group Action

Delete Group

Batch Priority

Batch Standard

Do Not Post

Post Now

Post Now to GL

Use the Open Items page (AR_WC_ITEM_LIST_FL) to build and view a list of open items that require follow-up based on their status.

The total count displayed with the link is all open items in the system.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Items > Open Items

Depending on the filters selected for your Open Items page, the grid will show these items:

  • Disputed

  • Deduction

  • Doubtful

  • Collection

  • Past Due

  • By Entry Type (for example, On-Accounts, Prepayments)

Field or Control


Actions menu

Select one or more lines and choose from the actions available in the actions menu:

  • Gen Dunning Letter (generate a dunning letter)

  • Gen Open Item Rpt (generate open item report)

  • Email Notification: Select to access the Email Notification page and email the transaction to interested parties.

(SFF) Select a line to view read-only line details.

(LFF) Select the More button for a line to view item details in the View/Update Item Details component (ITEM_MAINTAIN), where you can view and update item details, and view item activity and accounting entries.

Use the Maintenance Worksheets to Post page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL_FL) to review and manage one or more maintenance worksheets.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Items > Maintenance Worksheets to Post

Field or Control


Actions menu

Select one or more worksheets and choose from the actions available in the actions menu:

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Delete Worksheet

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

  • Email Notification

(SFF) Select a worksheet to view read-only maintenance worksheet details.

(LFF) Select the More button associated with a worksheet to show the maintenance worksheet details on the Worksheet Application (WS_WORKSHEET_IC) page (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application), where the user can offset individual debits and credits, write off items, create new items, or refund items.

Use the Transfer Worksheets to Post page (AR_WC_ITEMS_SEL_FL) to review transfer worksheets available to post.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Items > Transfer Worksheets to Post

Field or Control


Actions menu

Select one or more worksheets and choose from the actions available in the actions menu:

  • Delete Worksheet

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

  • Email Notification

(SFF) Select a worksheet to view read-only transfer worksheet details.

(LFF) Select the More button associated with a worksheet to show transfer worksheet details in the Transfer Worksheet component (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update Worksheet), where you can transfer items to another customer or business unit, transfer doubtful receivables, and review and update accounting entries.

Use the Pending Item Groups to Post page (AR_WC_PNDITM_SEL_FL) to review and select one or more pending item groups to delete or post.

The Pending Item Groups to Post page displays pending items—including Online, External, and Overdue Charges items—to be processed in the Receivables system.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Items > Pending Item Groups to Post

Field or Control


Actions menu

Select one or more item groups and choose from the actions available in the actions menu:

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Standard

  • Delete Group

  • Do Not Post

  • Post Now

  • Post Now to GL

  • Email Notification

All actions except for Post Now and Post Now to GL are allowed for Overdue Charges and External items.

(SFF) Select an item group to view read-only pending item entry details and access distribution line details.

(LFF) Select the More button associated with a pending item group to show details in the External Pending or Online Pending Item Entry components (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items), where you can enter or update pending item group information.