Defining Tiered Pricing

This section discusses how to set up transaction identifiers in PeopleSoft Project Costing, create tier templates to facilitate data entry (optional), define tiered pricing structures for contract lines, and run the Pricing Engine.

Page Name

Definition Name


Transaction Identifiers Page


Create transaction identifiers for use on tiered pricing templates and definitions.

Tiered Pricing Template Page


Create tier templates to facilitate date entry when defining tiered pricing for a rate-based contract line.

Tiered Pricing Definition Page


Specify a tiered pricing structure for a contract line.

Pricing Page


Reprice contract lines with tiered pricing structures.

Use the Tiered Pricing Definition page (PC_TIER_DEFN) to specify a tiered pricing structure for a contract line.


Click the Tiered Pricing link on the Related Projects page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tiered Pricing Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tiered Pricing Definition page

Field or Control


Tiered Pricing Template

Select an existing tier template to facilitate data entry for your contract line. If you do not select a value here, you can specify specific tier information in the Tiers group box below.

Copy Template

Click to copy the details from the template you selected in the Tiered Pricing Template field into the Tiers group box below. When you click this button, the system warns you that copying from a template will overwrite any existing tiered pricing defined for the contract line.

After selecting a template and copying the data into the Tiers group box, you can modify the tiered pricing definition.


Field or Control


Seq Number (sequence number)

Indicates the arbitration resolution order. This number represents the priority of the tier in the event that a transaction matches more than one transaction identifier.

Transaction ID

Select an identifier for the tier. The transaction identifiers includes combinations of values for the source type, source category, and source subcategory.

UOM (unit of measure)

Select a unit of measure for the quantities in the Price Breaks group box.

Inception to Date Quantity

Displays the total of all quantities processed to date for the tier. This is a display-only value that is specific to the tier and not to a particular price break.

Price Breaks

Field or Control


Lower Quantity

Displays the minimum quantity required for the price break. For the first price break within a tier, this value will be 0.

Upper Quantity

Displays the maximum quantity allowed for the price break. The price break includes the value designated in the Upper Quantity field. Therefore, if the upper quantity is set to 20, the price break would extend up to and include a quantity of 20. Each tier must contain a price break with an upper quantity of 999999999999.99

Adjustment Percent

Displays the increase or decrease to apply to the rate plan or contract-specific determined rate.

Use the Pricing Run Control page to reprice contract lines with tiered pricing structures.


Project Costing > Utilities > Pricing

Run the Pricing process to reprice contract lines with tiered pricing structures. You run the Pricing Application Engine from PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Field or Control


Recalculate Tiered Pricing

Select to have the inception to date quantities recalculated in the event that tiered pricing set up data has changed (for example, transaction identifiers, tiered breaks, or arbitration sequences, and so forth may have been changed). If you select this option, any transaction that has already been processed by PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft General Ledger will not be repriced or adjusted using a different tiered pricing adjustment, but the quantity from the source row will be included in the correct tier.