Processing Renewals

This section provides an overview of renewal processing and discusses how to run the Renewals process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process Renewals Page


Initiate the Renewals process for automatic renewals.

The Renewals Application Engine (CA_RNW_PRCS) process creates the new renewable contract line, accounting distributions for the new contract line, billing plan, and revenue plan for the new contract line. After the system renews all contract lines and if at least one billing plan with a Ready status is associated to the new contract line, the Renewals process schedules the Contracts Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) process. After the Renewals process completes successfully, the system changes the renewal cycle status to Done on the Define Renewal Cycle page.

You can process renewals manually or have the system process them automatically. You can initiate the Renewals process from three locations:

  • Process Renewals run control page.

    Initiate the Renewals process from this page. The program selects all renewal cycles and associated renewable contract lines to be processed that meet the selection criteria on the run control, have a renewal action of the renewal cycle that is Automatic, have a contract line status of Active, Pending, or Cancelled, have a renewal cycle that is not on hold, and have all renewable contract lines linked to the cycle selected.

    Note: The renewal process initiated from this page processes Automatic renewals only.

  • Review Renewals page.

    Initiate the Renewals process by clicking the Process Renewals button on this page. The application engine processes the renewable contract lines that were selected on the Review Renewals page.

    Note: The renewal process initiated from this page processes Automatic renewals only.

  • Define Renewal Cycle page.

    Initiate the Renewals process by clicking the Approve button on this page. The system calls the Renewals process to create the data for the new contract line.

    Note: The renewal process initiated from this page processes Manual renewals only.

Renewals Process Flow

The system performs these steps when processing renewals:

  1. Retrieves all eligible renewable contract lines:

    • For automatic renewal processing, the system retrieves eligible renewable contract lines based on selection criteria or selected lines for automatic renewal processing.

    • For manual renewal processing, the system processes the selected renewal cycle and associated renewable contract lines.

  2. Updates the cycle status for all the renewal cycles to which the renewable contract lines are attached.

    If the cycle status is Pending, the system sets the cycle status to Ready.

    Note: This step applies to Automatic renewals only.

  3. Updates the status of all the renewal plans to which the cycle is attached to In Progress.

  4. Calls the PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer to obtain the price for the billing and revenue amounts for the new contract line. If the Separate Fixed Billing and Revenue check box is not selected on the target contract, then the revenue amount will equal the billing amount.

    The system passes all PeopleSoft Contracts price-by fields as well as the renewal cycle start date to PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer. The amounts passed to PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer differs based on the billing and revenue price basis options selected.

    Note: This step applies to Automatic renewals only.

  5. Loads the billing and revenue discounts and surcharges to temporary tables and recalculates the amounts for percent based discounts/surcharges. If the Separate Fixed Billing and Revenue check box is not selected on the target contract, then the revenue discounts/surcharges will equal those used for billing. The process then validates whether the discount/surcharge is valid as of the renewal line start date and also whether valid accounting distributions can be created for those discounts/surcharges. If all validations are complete, the system proceeds to calculate the net billing amount and net revenue amount on the renewal line. If the Separate Fixed Billing and Revenue check box is not selected on the target contract, amounts for revenue on the renewal line will equal amounts used for billing.

  6. Creates the renewal lines:

    • If one or multiple renewable contract lines are linked to the same cycle and Individual was selected for the Create Target Lines option for the renewal cycle, the system creates a new contract line for each renewable contract line.

    • If one or multiple renewable contract lines are linked to the same cycle and Consolidated was selected for the Create Target Lines option, the system creates one new contract line.

  7. The process then updates the billing and revenue amounts on the contract header of the target contract with the amounts of the renewal lines that are created.

  8. Updates the source renewable contract line status to Renewed.

  9. Assigns the next cycle to the new contract line that the system created.

    This step occurs only if additional cycles are defined for the renewal plan.

    Note: If the next cycle of the renewal plan has the Create Target Lines option set to Consolidated and billing/revenue discounts or surcharges with the Apply at Renewal check box selected have been created for the renewal line, the system does not assign the renewal line to the next cycle. In the case of automatic renewals, if a renewal line has not been assigned to the next renewal cycle, the system displays a message in the message log.

  10. Creates the accounting distribution for the new contract lines.

    The renewals process uses the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field on the Define Renewal Cycle page to determine whether to create the accounting distribution for the new contract line from the default or the source renewable contract line:

    • If the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field for the renewal cycle is Inherit from Line, the system uses the renewal cycle start date and the valid effective-dated row of the source renewable contract line's revenue, contract liability (if any), and contract asset accounting distribution based on the cycle start date to create revenue, contract liability, and contract asset accounting distribution for the new contract line.

      The renewal cycle start date replaces the effective date of the accounting distribution associated to the new contract line. The system also copies future-effective dated revenue, contract liability (if any), and contract asset accounting distribution of the source renewable contract line as the new contract line's accounting distribution.

      A message will be logged for contract lines for this accounting distribution option and if project ChartFields on the accounting distribution were not brought forward to the new renewal line. This will occur when the source contract line includes only project ID in the accounting distribution, but the target contract is configured to use project ChartFields.

    • If the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field for the renewal cycle is Default, the system examines the distribution rule for the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit to determine which distribution set to use for creating the revenue accounting distribution.

      If the contract liability recognition option is enabled at the product group level, the renewals process uses the revenue distribution code for a related contract liability distribution code when creating the contract liability accounting distribution. If no contract liability distribution code is associated with the revenue distribution code, no contract liability accounting distribution is created. If the contract asset distribution code is defined at the product group level and at the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit level, the renewals process uses the contract asset accounting distribution code defined at the product group level for creating the contract asset accounting distribution. If no contract asset is defined at the product group level, the renewals process uses the contract asset distribution code define at the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit level for creating the contract asset accounting distribution.

  11. Creates the renewal line billing/revenue discounts and surcharges.

  12. Creates the discount accounting distribution for the new contract lines.

    The renewals process uses the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field on the Define Renewal Cycle page to determine whether to create the discount accounting distribution for the new contract line from the default or the source renewable contract line:

    • If the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field for the renewal cycle is Inherit from Line and the discount has been specified for the source contract line, the system uses the renewal cycle start date and the valid effective-dated row of the source renewable contract line's discount accounting distribution based on the cycle start date to create the discount accounting distribution for the new contract line.

      The system uses the renewal line start date as the effective date of the new discount accounting distribution. The system also copies future effective dated discount accounting distributions from the source contract line for the discount created for the renewal line.

      A message will be logged for contract lines if project ChartFields on the accounting distribution were not brought forward to the new renewal line. This will occur when the source contract line includes only project ID in the accounting distribution, but the target contract is configured to use project ChartFields.

    • If the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field for the renewal cycle is Default or if the value in the Accounting Distribution Option field for the renewal cycle is Inherit From Line but the discount has not been specified for the source contract line, then the system uses the default distribution code specified for the discount to create the discount accounting distribution. The system uses the renewal line start date as the effective date for the new discount accounting distribution.

  13. Calls the ChartField combination editing process to validate all accounting distributions.

  14. If a billing plan template is defined on the run control (when the process is initiated from the Process Renewals run control page), the Renewals process uses this template to create the billing plan.

    Otherwise, the Renewals process uses the billing plan template defined for the renewal plan. If no billing plan template is defined for the renewal plan, the system uses the billing plan template defined for the product to create the billing plan. When the process is initiated from the Review Renewals page or Define Renewal Cycle page, if a billing plan template is defined for the renewal plan, the Renewals process uses this template to create the billing plan.

    If the Autoready Billing Plan option is selected for the renewal plan, the Renewals process creates the billing plan with a Ready status for the new contract line. Otherwise, the process creates the billing plan with a Pending status for the new contract line.

  15. If a revenue plan template is defined on the run control (when the process is initiated from the Process Renewals run control page), the Renewals process uses this template to create the revenue plan.

    Otherwise, the Renewals process uses the revenue plan template defined for the renewal plan. If no revenue plan template is defined for the renewal plan, the system uses the revenue plan template defined for the product to create the revenue plan. When the process is initiated from the Review Renewals page or Define Renewal Cycle page, if a revenue plan template is defined for the renewal plan, the Renewals process uses this template to create the revenue plan.

    If the Autoready Revenue Plan option is selected for the renewal plan, the renewals process creates a revenue plan with a Ready status for the new contract line. Otherwise, the process creates a revenue plan with a Pending status for the new contract line.

  16. If a billing plan detail template override is defined on the run control (when the process is initiated from the Process Renewals run control page), the Renewals process uses this template for the billing overrides in the billing plan.

    Otherwise, the Renewals process uses the billing plan detail template ID defined for the renewal plan. If no billing plan detail template is defined for the renewal plan, the system uses the billing plan detail template defined for the product for the billing overrides in the billing plan. When the process is initiated from the Review Renewals page or Define Renewal Cycle page, if a billing plan detail template ID override is defined for the renewal plan, the Renewals process uses this template for the billing overrides in the billing plan.

  17. Set the renewal cycle status to Done.

  18. If the Process Billing streamlining option is selected on the run control (when the process is initiated from the Process Renewals run control page) and at least one billing plan with a Ready status is associated with the new contract line, the Renewals process schedules the Contracts Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) through the Process Scheduler after all contract lines are renewed.

    When the process is initiated from the Review Renewals page or Define Renewal Cycle page and if at least one billing plan with a Ready status is associated with the new contract line, the Renewals process schedules the Contracts Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) through the Process Scheduler after all contract lines are renewed.

    Note: When the Contracts Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) is scheduled by the Renewals process, only the billing plans for the newly created contract lines are processed.

Use the Process Renewals page (RUN_CA_RENEWALS) to initiate the Renewals process for automatic renewals.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Renewals > Process Renewals

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Renewals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Renewals page

Note: You can process only renewals with a renewal action of Automatic from this page. You process renewals with a renewal action of Manual from the Define Renewal Cycle page.

Contract Options

Use the fields in this group box to limit the renewals data that is included in the run of this process. Filter by PeopleSoft Contracts business unit, contract type, sold to customer, or contract number. If you leave all fields blank, the process picks up all available renewals activity in PeopleSoft Contracts.

Billing Option

Field or Control


Event Date

Select an event date to run the Renewals process for a specific billing event date. The system populates this field by default with the current date. The system uses this field to determine the billing plan events to pick up when running the Contracts Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC).

Renewals Options

Use the fields in this group box to limit the renewals data that is included in the run of this process. If you leave all fields blank, the process picks up all available renewals activity in PeopleSoft Contracts.

Field or Control


Renewal Plan

Select a renewal plan to run the Renewals process for a specific renewal plan. The fields in the Contract Options group box are based on the target contract defined in the renewal plan.


Displays the current cycle of the selected renewal plan.

Renewal Timing

Specify the number of days for the renewal timing or leave this field blank. If you leave this field blank, the system processes all renewable contract lines that are linked to the renewal cycle and have a start date less than or equal to the current date. If you enter a value in this field, the system processes all renewable contract lines that are linked to the renewal cycle with a start date less than or equal to the current date plus the specified number of days that you entered here.

Override Templates

Field or Control


Revenue Plan

Select this check box to override any previously defined revenue plan template for the renewal plan. If you select this check box, the Renewals process uses the revenue plan template that you specify in the Revenue Plan Template field on this page to create the revenue plan for the new contract line.

Revenue Plan Template

Select a revenue plan template for the Renewals process to use to create the revenue plan for the new contract line.

The revenue plan template that you define here overrides any previously defined revenue plan template for the renewal plan. If you do not select a revenue plan template here, the Renewals process uses the revenue plan template previously defined for the renewal plan to create the revenue plan. If no revenue plan template was previously specified for the renewal plan and you do not select one here, the Renewals process uses the revenue plan template defined for the product to create the revenue plan for the new contract line.

Billing Plan

Select this check box to override any previously defined billing plan template for the renewal plan. If you select this check box, the Renewals process uses the billing plan template that you specify in the Billing Plan Template field on this page to create the billing plan for the new contract line.

Billing Plan Template

Select a billing plan template for the Renewals process to use to create the billing plan for the new contract line.

The billing plan template that you define here overrides any previously defined billing plan template for the renewal plan. If you do not select a billing plan template here, the Renewals process uses the billing plan template previously defined for the renewal plan to create the billing plan. If no billing plan template was previously specified for the renewal plan and you do not select one here, the Renewals process uses the billing plan template defined for the product to create a billing plan for the new contract line.

Bill Plan Detail

Select this check box to override any previously defined billing plan detail template for the renewal plan. If you select this check box, the Renewals process uses the billing plan detail template that you specify in the Billing Plan Detail Template field on this page to define the billing overrides in the billing plan for the new contract line.

Bill Plan Detail Template ID

Select a billing plan detail template ID. The Renewals process uses the values defined in this template for the Billing Overrides in the billing plan for the new contract line.

The billing plan detail template that you define here overrides any previously defined billing plan detail template for the renewal plan. If you do not select a billing plan detail template here, the Renewals process uses the billing detail plan template previously defined for the renewal plan to define the billing overrides in the billing plan. If no billing plan detail template was previously specified for the renewal plan and you do not select one here, the Renewals process uses the billing plan detail template defined for the product for the new contract line.

Streamline Processing Option

Field or Control


Process Billing

Select to have the Renewals process call the streamline billing process for renewals. If you select this check box and at least one billing plan with a Ready status is associated to the new contract line, the Renewals process will schedule the Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) process after all the contract lines are renewed.