Adjusting Time Reports

This topic provides an overview of time report adjustments.

Page Name

Definition Name


Time Report - Search Results


Select a time report to view.

View Time Report - Time Report Summary Page


View time reports that have been submitted, approved, and staged.

Employees can adjust time reports by creating a revision of the time report that they wish to adjust. Time reports become available for adjustments after they have been submitted, approved, and staged to PeopleSoft Project Costing. You may not enter an adjustment for a time report if another adjustment is in progress for the same report.

For non-semimonthly time reports when the end of the month does not fall at the end of a workweek, employees can enter information up to the end of the month and submit a partial time report. After their partial time report has been approved and staged to PeopleSoft Project Costing, they can add the remaining time as a new version of that report.

Navigate to the time report using the Employee Self-Service, Time Report, View menu to create a revision of the time report that you want to adjust. If there is another adjustment pending for the time report, the time report ID link is not available for selection on the Time Report - Search Results page. The time report search page includes a Version column to indicate whether the time report is a Partial, the Original, or a Revision. Click the link in the Period End Date column on the Time Report - Search Results page to access any version of the time report. When PeopleSoft Expenses displays the View Time Report - Time Report Summary page, you have the option to create a revision for the most current time report version. When you select Create Revision from the Version Action drop-down list box and click Go, PeopleSoft Expenses creates a new time report with a new version identifier. If you navigate to an older version of the time report, either the original or a previous version, PeopleSoft Expenses displays the report in view-only mode.

Internally, PeopleSoft Expenses numbers an original time report as Version 1. When you adjust the time report, the system numbers it Version 2 but refers to it as Revision 1 in the search views. PeopleSoft Expenses uses Version 0 for partial time reports. When you modify a partial time report to add remaining hours for the period, the system numbers it as Version 1. Subsequently, if you adjust that time report, PeopleSoft Expenses numbers it Version 2 and refers to it as Revision 1 in the search views.

Note: You cannot perform a partial submit on a revision.

Use the View Time Report - Time Report Summary page (TE_TIME_LINES) to view time reports that have been submitted, approved, and staged.


Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expense Center > Time Report > View a Time Report

Note: Fields on the View Time Report - Time Report Summary page are the same as the fields you see when you create a time report and are discussed in the Time Report Summary Page topic.

Field or Control


Version Action

Select to create or view different versions of a time report. The Version Action page element appears only for time reports that have been submitted, approved, and staged to PeopleSoft Project Costing. Options are:

  • Create Revision: Select to create a revision of the most current time report, regardless of which version of the time report you are currently viewing. PeopleSoft Expenses only allows you to revise the most current version or revision of a time report. For example, you have an original version and one revision and you want to create Revision 2. Whether you are viewing the original time report or Revision 1, when you select Create Revision on the View Time Report - Time Report Summary page, PeopleSoft Expenses creates Revision 2.

    If multiple time lines are created for a revision, the General Ledger business unit must be the same.

  • View Partial Submit: Select to view a partially-submitted time report.

  • View Original: Select to view the original time report.

  • View Revision [number]: Select to view Revision 1, Revision 2, Revision 3, and so forth.

View Other Version

Select to view different versions of a time report.

The View Other Version drop-down list box appears instead of the Version Action drop-down list box if time reports are not available for prior period adjustments.