PeopleSoft Expenses Web Libraries

This table lists the web libraries that are used and delivered with PeopleSoft Expenses:

Web Library Name



Returns user to the Travel and Expense home page upon submission of a transaction.


Contains the following seven fields with FieldFormula iScript PeopleCode, each of which relate to a functional area of the portal:

PORTAL_ADMIN: Support iScripts administration functions for the portal.

PORTAL_HOMEPAGE: Support for homepage runtime interaction, including the homepage version of the menu navigation.

PORTAL_NAV: Main support routines for navigation.

PORTAL_HEADER: Support for the header portion of the page and some generic routines.

PORTAL_DYN_TEMP: Support for the dynamic template.

PORTAL_PGLT_PREV: Support for the pagelet preview functionality.


Contains iScript used for PeopleSoft Expenses CFAN navigation to a level more detailed than available on the left-hand navigation menu.


Contains iScript used to build the HTML forms that are used to access the travel partner websites.