Setting Up Non-Preferred Merchant Justifications

Page Name

Definition Name


Non-Preferred Merchant Justifications Page


Create justifications for expense users when using non-preferred merchants.

Use the Non-Preferred Merchant Justifications page (EX_NONPREFMRCH) to create justifications for expense users when using non-preferred merchants.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Expenses > Purchase > Non-Preferred Justification

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Non-Preferred Merchant Justifications page.

Non-Preferred Merchant Justifications page

Use this page to setup justification options that are used when creating travel authorizations using PeopleSoft Fluid pages. For additional information see, Creating Travel Authorizations Using PeopleSoft Fluid

Field or Control


Expense Type

Select an expense type. Options are limited to those that have expense type edits of AIR, HTL, and RTL.