Understanding Default Accounting Change Functionality

When you create travel authorizations or expense reports and add expense transaction lines, PeopleSoft Expenses copies the accounting defaults from the distribution plan at the header level down to each transaction distribution line. If you change the accounting defaults at the header level after you add expense transaction lines, PeopleSoft Expenses changes the previously entered transaction distribution lines to reflect the new accounting defaults. However, if you change any of the ChartFields directly in an expense line distribution (accounting detail section) and then modify the accounting defaults at the header level, the changes to the accounting defaults will not appear in the expense line distribution that you manually modified. When you modify a default distribution, you override the default and PeopleSoft Expenses sets a flag on the distribution to preserve your entry.

For example:

  1. Access the Create (or Modify) Expense Report Page to create an expense report.

  2. Access the Accounting Defaults page and verify or change the accounting default for DeptID to 41000.

  3. Return to the Create Expense Report page and enter three expense transaction lines:

    1. Air travel

    2. Hotel

    3. Meals

  4. Verify in the Accounting Detail section that the system created three accounting lines using DeptID 41000.

  5. For the Hotel transaction, in the Accounting Detail section, change the DeptID from 41000 to 42000.

  6. Access the Accounting Defaults page and change the DeptID from 41000 to 43000.

  7. Return to the Create Expense Report page and enter a fourth expense transaction line for Automobile Rental.

  8. Verify that the DeptID for air travel, meals, and car rental is 43000; and that the DeptID for hotel is 42000.on the Create Expense Report page.