Understanding the Fluid Expenses WorkCenter

The Fluid Expenses WorkCenter is similar to the Classic Expenses WorkCenter, but has all the advantages of PeopleSoft fluid technology.

To personalize the PeopleSoft Fluid Expenses WorkCenter, see Setting Up and Personalizing PeopleSoft Fluid WorkCenters.

Setting Up the Fluid Expenses WorkCenter

To set up the Fluid Expenses WorkCenter

Use the Expenses WorkCenter Tile to access the Expenses WorkCenter page in PeopleSoft Fluid.

This tile can be placed on any PeopleSoft Fluid Home page. For additional information about how to add a tile to a PeopleSoft Fluid Home page, see PeopleTools: Application User’s Guide, “Working With PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface”, Working With Fluid Homepages, Managing Tiles, Adding Tiles to a Fluid Homepage.

This example illustrates the Expenses WorkCenter tile.

Expenses WorkCenter Tile