Common Elements Used to Approve PeopleSoft Expense Transactions

Field or Control



The urgency icon is identified by a green circle, yellow triangle, or red square that indicates the level of urgency. A green circle indicates a low level of urgency, a yellow triangle indicates a medium level of urgency, and a red square indicates a high level of urgency.

PeopleSoft Expenses displays a visual urgency alert to indicate that a level of urgency is associated with the expense transaction. Urgency levels are configured at the Installation Option level. Approvers can sort the transactions by urgency level on the Summary Approval page, which enables them to review the most urgent transactions first.


Click to access the View Exception Comments and Risks page and view the risk level, risk criteria, and risk details. (For cash advance and time report transactions, the risk button accesses the View Risk Details page.)

The risk button is identified by a yellow triangle that has an exclamation point in the center. Approvers can sort the transactions by risk on the Summary Approval page, which enables them to review transactions that have risk first.

PeopleSoft Expenses displays a visual risk alert to indicate that a level of risk is associated with the expense transaction. The risk button appears when the transaction meets the criteria that are defined on the risk template. The risk button appears at the header level for all transaction types, and at the line level for expense reports, travel authorizations, time reports, and time adjustments.

Risk levels are defined by means of risk templates and are associated with an approver profile. Risk templates can have up to five levels of risk: no risk, low risk, medium to low risk, medium risk, and high risk. Using risk templates is optional.


The alert image is identified by a yellow triangle that has an exclamation point in the center.

PeopleSoft Expenses displays a visual alert to indicate that an exception is associated with the expense transaction. You cannot click the alert image to transfer to another page.

Exceptions are conditions that a transaction can be in that you can flag or exclude from summary approvals. An exception is not necessarily an error, but is considered as a condition or state. You select the exception conditions, such as Expenses Out of Policy or Preferred Merchant Not Used, on the Summary Approval Options page.


Click the error button to access the Approve Transactions - Error page, where you can view the details of the error. The error button is identified by a red flag.

PeopleSoft Expenses displays a visual error alert to indicate that an error occurred when the system processed the transaction. Errors are conditions that prevent the approval of a transaction on the summary approval page. An error may be a budget checking status or an invalid action taken on a transaction, such as budget checking a time report.