Understanding Reporting Metrics

PeopleSoft IT Asset Management (ITAM) organizes enterprise IT assets into a clear presentation of business value, with certifiable accuracy. Valuable business information is expressed in high level, concise metrics that invite users to drill down to any level of detail from the big picture in the portal. The pagelets contain information on total IT asset valuation, hardware and software inventory, missing, misappropriated, and misconfigured inventory, as well as specifying leases and contracts that need attention.

Some of the pagelets include charting functionality, which provides a graphical representation of the information that resides in the corresponding record. These charts are included with the pagelets when you select to display the pagelet on your PeopleSoft Home page. Additionally, when you position your mouse over a portion of the chart, hover text appears that displays the value and corresponding description of the data representation.

PeopleSoft IT Asset Management provides these metrics pagelets:



Asset Financial Statistics

Displays a snapshot of enterprise IT asset current valuation.

Assets Not Reporting

Displays devices that have failed to report an inventory, allowing managers to investigate the absences.

This pagelet includes charting functionality.

Hardware Inventory

Counts all IT hardware–by subtype–that appears in the third-party inventory and asset repository databases. It also provides a summary count of IT hardware that appears in one database, but not the other.

This pagelet includes charting functionality.

Hardware Progress Report

Displays at-a-glance results to date of IT hardware progress achieved against a user defined goal.

Integration Data Load Errors

Displays the types of errors that are produced by the load process (IT_LOAD_PROC) for the latest discovery request. Also displayed is the corresponding number of errors for each type: Unmapped Primary User, Unmapped IP Address, Duplicate Serial ID, and GL to HR business unit mapping error. You can drill down from this high-level pagelet to the Integration Data Load Errors details page.

This pagelet includes charting functionality.

Inventory Exceptions

Displays a high level view of the differences between the Asset Repository and the third-party inventory database–the difference between what is on the books and the physical inventory for IT assets.

Lease End Metric

Displays IT-related leases that will expire within the next n (user-defined) days, providing a reminder to undertake lease-end inventory activities. You can drill down to the assets that are associated with those leases.

Software Device Monitor

Displays installed software by software device group ID. This metric is designed for IT Subtypes that are based on Serial ID software authorizations and includes a comparison of installed licenses to authorized software licenses. An alert is displayed by software title when the installed software licenses exceed the authorized software licenses.

Software Inventory Monitor

Provides the counts of total licenses versus installed licenses and displays the counts for authorized and unauthorized users.

Software Pending Requisitions

Displays a running scorecard on software licenses that users need to acquire to keep the enterprise in compliance.

This pagelet includes charting functionality.

Software Progress Report

Displays at-a-glance results to date of IT software progress achieved against a user defined goal

Software Renewal

Provides alerts to the IT Asset Manager when the contract needs to be renewed or renegotiated.