PeopleSoft Contracts for Government Contracting Reports: A to Z

This table lists the reports that contain features that are specific to government contracts. All reports delivered for non-government contracts are documented in the PeopleSoft Contracts documentation.

See PeopleSoft Contracts Reports: A to Z

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Active Contracts Limit Amount Management Report

Displays the details of a government contract's limit amounts including funded and revenue cost limit amounts, amount remaining for the limit, amounts in excess, and transaction and processing dates for the limits. The details of the report are determined by the criteria that you set on the Limit Amount Report run control page.

Customer Contracts > Reports > Limit Amount > CA_LMT



Active Contracts Fee Limits Management Report

Displays the details of a government contract's cost plus contract lines' fee limits including fee type, fee processed amount, fee limit, amount and percentage remaining for the fee limit, and last processing date for the fee limits. The details of the report are determined by the criteria that you set on the Limit Amount Report run control page.

Note: Cost-plus contract line revenue fees must be entered and saved on the revenue fee worksheet to appear on the fee limit report.

Customer Contracts > Reports > Limit Amount > Fee Limit Report