Defining and Generating the Fund Balance Reconciliation Report

To define and generate a Fund Balance Reconciliation report, use the Reconciliation Rpt Definition component (FUNDBL_RCN_DEFN).

Page Name

Definition Name


Fund Balance Reconciliation - Account Definition Page


Enter the General Ledger accounts that you want to reconcile with the U.S. Treasury data.

Fund Balance Reconciliation - Entry Event Definition Page


Enter the Entry Event codes and select whether they are a collection or disbursement to reconcile with the U.S. Treasury data.

Fund Balance Reconciliation - Import Treasury Files Page


Select the GOALS file type and attach the file containing the U.S. Treasury data.

Generate Reconciliation Report Page


Enter the data to run the reconciliation process and generate the Fund Balance Reconciliation report.

Federal agencies use the Fund Balance with Treasury (FBWT) account to reconcile with U.S. Treasury's Financial Management Service (FMS) records. This reconciliation is essential to enhancing internal controls, improving the integrity of various U.S. government financial reports, and providing a more accurate measurement of budget results.

The PeopleSoft Fund Balance Reconciliation processes enable you to:

  • Import the monthly account activity and trial balances, which includes the banking system and any warrant activity, from the U.S. Treasury and compare it with your agency's general ledger cash activity.

  • Define a reconciliation report that compares your agency's general ledger accounts and entry events that are required by the reconciliation process with the U.S. Treasury data.

  • Generate a Reconciliation Report (GLS9500) that lists any differences between your agency's data and the U.S. Treasury's data by Fiscal Year, Accounting Period, and TSYMBOL.

See Generate Reconciliation Report Page.

Use the Fund Balance Reconciliation - Account Definition page (FUNDBL_RCN_DEFN1) to enter the General Ledger accounts that you want to reconcile with the U. S. Treasury data.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > Fund Balance Reconciliation > Define Report Definition > Account Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fund Balance Reconciliation - Account Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fund Balance Reconciliation - Account Definition page

Field or Control


From Account and To Account

Enter one account or a range of accounts that you want to reconcile with the U.S. Treasury data. Add rows as needed and save the page.

Use the Fund Balance Reconciliation - Entry Event Definition page (FUNDBL_RCN_DEFN2) to enter the Entry Event codes and select whether they are a collection or disbursement to reconcile with the U. S. Treasury data.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > Fund Balance Reconciliation > Define Report Definition > Entry Event Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fund Balance Reconciliation - Entry Event Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fund Balance Reconciliation - Entry Event Definition page

Field or Control


Entry Event and Collection or Disbursement

Select the entry event code that applies to this reconciliation, and select whether it is a collection or a disbursement. Add entry rows as needed and save the page.

Use the Fund Balance Reconciliation - Import Treasury Files page (LOAD_FUNDBL_REQ) to select the GOALS file type and attach the file containing the U. S. Treasury data.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > Fund Balance Reconciliation > Import Treasury Files

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fund Balance Reconciliation - Import Treasury Files page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fund Balance Reconciliation - Import Treasury Files page

Field or Control


GOALS File Type (government online accounting link system file type)

Select the type of file that you are importing from the U.S. Treasury GOALS. Values are:

  • Receipt Account Ledger

  • Receipt Account Trial Balance

  • Und Appropriation Acct Ledger (undisbursed appropriation account ledger)

  • Und Appropriation Acct TB (undisbursed appropriation account trial balance)

    Save the page.

Attached File

Click the Add icon to attach the file in the field.

Click the Delete icon to detach the file. This action does not delete the file from your server.

Click the View icon to open and display the contents of the file. You must attach the file before you can view it.

Save the page.

Important! Files must be entered in logical pairs. Account Ledger Activity and Account Trial Balance must be selected for the same data type. Data type is either Undisbursed Appropriations or Receipts.

Note: These buttons work the same as the buttons on the Load FACTS I Data page.

See Load FACTS I Data Page.

Use the Generate Reconciliation Report page (RUN_FBRECON_RPT) to run the reconciliation process and generate the Fund Balance Reconciliation report.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > Fund Balance Reconciliation > Generate Reconciliation Report

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate Reconciliation Report page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Generate Reconciliation Report page

Field or Control


Report Request Parameters

Enter the parameters and click the Run button to run the Fund Balance with Treasury Recn (fund balance with treasury reconciliation) process, GLS9500 SQR Report to compare the data that you defined for this reconciliation with the U.S. Treasury data and produce a report that defines any differences in the data.