Producing Journal Reports

To run a report, select it from its menu and enter the necessary parameters. After entering the report parameters, you use Process Scheduler to actually run the report. Process Scheduler manages the processes, tracks the status, and generates the report.

To modify standard reports, create your own reports, or change the report output format, a variety of reporting tools are available.

Page Name

Definition Name

Usage and Navigation

Posted Journal Summary Report


Define parameters for the Posted Journal Summary report (GLS7009) This SQR report provides the ability to report on journals posted during a specific run of the Journal Post process. The Journal Post process updates all journals posted with the value of the Process Instance. The Process Instance is part of the search criteria used by the Posted Journal Summary report.

General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Posted Journal Summary Report

Journal Edit Errors Report


Specify the run parameters for the Journal Edit Errors Report (GLS7011). This SQR report lists detailed information on journal edit errors.

General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Journal Edit Errors Report

Suspended Activity Report


Provides detailed information on suspended journals. (Refer to GLS7011 for its functions.) The Suspended Activity report lists all journal activities that are suspended.

General Ledger > Journals > Suspense Correction > Suspended Activity Report