Setting Up and Creating the Cash Flow Worksheet

To set up and create the cash flow worksheet use the Ledger Set (LEDGER_SET_FR), ChartField Value Sets (CF_VALUE_SET), Data Source (FR_DATA_SOURCE), Elements (FR_ELEMENT), and Worksheet (FR_WORKSHEET) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Ledger Set Page


Select the combination of business units and ledgers to include in the cash flow statement configuration. You can select multiple ledgers for a business unit and group specific ledgers for a set of business units to be used for the defining of the cash flow statement data sources.

ChartField Value Set Page


Set up ChartField value sets to scope ChartField values for use in the cash flow statement process.

See Defining ChartField Value Sets

Data Source Page


Use to define the source of cash flow data and to filter the data for use by the cash flow statement elements to produce the line item amounts.

Cash Flow Statement - Element Page


Select predefined calculation formats.

Cash Flows Worksheet Page


Set up new cash flow worksheets and copy cash flows worksheets.

Display Options Page


View dependencies and different levels.

Cash Flows Worksheet - Process Options Page


Set the business unit scope, time spans, and currency rates for beginning balances, closing and variations.

Process Cash Flow Page


Visible only when the Status of the worksheet is Active, click this link to access the Process Cash Flow page to submit the cash flow process.

Cash Flow Worksheet Printable Definition Page


View and print the element names, balance types, and derived line detail for each worksheet line rather than amounts.

Cash Flows Worksheet - Copy Worksheet Page


Copy an existing worksheet and create multiple worksheet versions.

Cash Flows Worksheet - Line Item Detail Page


Add and define new lines or change lines on the worksheet.

Selected Line Items to be Added to the Derived Element Page


Use to add line items to a derived element.

Use the Ledger Set page (LEDGER_SET) to select the combination of business units and ledgers to include in the cash flow statement configuration.

You can select multiple ledgers for a business unit and group specific ledgers for a set of business units to be used for the defining of the cash flow statement data sources.


General Ledger > Cash Flow Statement > Define Ledger Set for Rpt

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Ledger Set page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Ledger Set page

Ledger sets for cash flow statements are applicable to information that is to be derived from the ledger table for both balance sheet and profit and loss accounts. They differ from those prepared for consolidated balance sheet and income statements in that multiple ledgers can be associated with a business unit.

Field or Control



Enter the SetID for the tree that includes the group of business units that are to be used in the cash flow statement.


Select the tree that includes the business units that are to be used in the cash flow statement. The system populates the valid business unit values found in the selected tree for the specified ledger template. All applicable business units appear in the scroll, but you can add or delete business units from the scroll.

As of Date

Enter the date applicable to the tree that you select to retrieve the appropriate version of the tree.


Click this button after changing the SetID or tree selection to repopulate the scroll with the associated business units. You manually enter the ledgers applicable to the business units.

Business Unit

In association with the ledger template, the SetID and tree determine the business units that are populated by the system in the scroll. You can add or delete business units in the scroll. Business units that you add do not have to be part of the tree that you specified.


Specify the ledger source for the data. The ledgers can have different base currencies.

See Ledger Set Page.

Use the ChartField Value Set page (CF_VALUE_SET ) to set up ChartField value sets to scope ChartField values to use in the cash flow statement process.


Set Up Financial/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > ChartField Value Sets > Setup ChartField Value Sets > ChartField Value Set

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ChartField Value Set page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ChartField Value Set page

You can define ChartField value sets to provide the scope of accounts to be included in the calculation of an element.

See Using ChartField Value Sets.

See Defining and Using ChartField Value Sets.

Use the Data Source page (FR_DATA_SOURCE) to define the source of cash flow data and to filter the data for use by the cash flow statement elements to produce the line item amounts.


General Ledger > Cash Flow Statement > Define Data Src for Cash Flow

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source page - (Ledger source). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source page - (Ledger source)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source page (Assets source). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source page (Assets source)

The ledger table, and the transaction tables from the Asset Management and Treasury applications are recommended sources. The latter two transaction tables only because consolidated amounts are carried in the ledger tables and details of the acquisition and disposition of assets are need for the cash flow statement. These necessary details are carried in the transaction tables only.

Other transaction tables are not recommended because they might grow extremely large during a year and might not be necessary on a detail level in the preparation of the cash flow statement.

Field or Control


Source Type

Ledger: Select when the source types is ledger table and select the appropriate Ledger Template.

Other: Select when the source type is other than ledger.

Ledger Template

This field is available when Ledger is selected as the source type. Select the template that is appropriate to the ledgers for the business units being reported and the element calculations.

Source Record

This field is available when Other is selected as the source type. Select the source record that carries the amounts appropriate to the business units being reported and the element calculations.

Field Name

If Ledger is specified as the source type, the ledger template defines the fields where necessary data is to be found and the field name group box is not available. However, if Other is specified as the source type, provide the field names where the necessary data is stored.

Field or Control


Accounting Date

Select the field that contains the dates appropriate to the cash flow statement and the period being reported.

Base Currency

Select the field to distinguish the rows that contain the base currency for the cash flow statement calculations.

GL Business Unit

Select the field name to distinguish the general ledger business unit included in the cash flow statement.

Base Amount

Select the name of the field that contains the amounts in the base currency.

Data Source Filter

The Data Source Filter enables you to filter data derived from the source tables based on various operators applied to the specified field and its values.

Field or Control


Field Name

Enter the name of the field on which the data in the source record is to be filtered for use in the cash flow statement.


Select to do the opposite of the operator value.


Select an operator, or action that is to be applied to rows that contain values for the Field Name selected. For example, include only rows from the treasury accounting line table (TRA_ACCT_LINE) in the cash flow calculations data source that have a value in the general ledger (GL_DISTRIBUTION) field.

Use the Element page (FR_ELEMENT) to select predefined calculation formats.


General Ledger > Cash Flow Statement > Define Elements for Cash Flow

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Element page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Element page

Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter an effective date for the element status. This date works in conjunction with the effective dating of the worksheet to provide the appropriate element for the cash flow statement.


Set the status with effective dating.

Element Type

Enter an element type to specify one of the delivered types of calculation formats required for determining the underlying cash flows:

  • Activities: Select this value for operating activities, investing activities, financing activities and non-cash investing and financing activities.

  • Balance variation: Select this value if the inflow or outflow is determined from the difference of the beginning and ending balances and the variation shows the natural sign of its calculation.

  • Derived from other Elements: Select this value for those elements that require the use of other elements in their calculation, such as net cash from operating activities.

  • Manual Entry: Select this value if you will manually calculate the value and manually enter it on the cash flow worksheet.

Data Source

Enter the name of the appropriate data source definition.


Click to access the Data Source page and create or modify a data source as needed.

Allow user override

Select to enable the user to override the amount calculated by the process. Override amounts are calculated and tied to a user ID.

You can override the calculated amount on the cash flow worksheet. By default the override amount is the same as the calculated amount until you override it.

Reverse Amount Sign

Select to reverse the sign resulting from the calculation. You must know the sign carried by transaction amounts in the various tables to understand when this check box must be selected.

For example, the element type for sales is an ending balance element because it is an income statement line item and only the activity for the period is relevant to cash flow. An increase to cash flow derived by the sales element is defined with the Reverse Amount Sign check box selected when the amount is coming from the ledger table because it is held in that table as a negative amount. However, the Reverse Amount Sign check box is not selected if the sales element derives the sales amounts from the billing transaction tables because sales amounts are maintained as positive amounts in the billing tables.

If another element determining cash flow is a variation in accounts receivable that is calculated as the ending balance minus the beginning balance for the period, then a reduction in accounts receivable is a negative amount. Because accounts receivables is normally recorded in the system tables as a positive and because this element is defined to calculate a decrease in the accounts receivable balance as a negative number, to properly reflected the decrease in accounts receivable as an increase to cash flow, it is necessary to reverse the sign of the variance.

You must know from which source tables the data is coming and take into consideration the normal sign in which those amounts are maintained within the source tables, the calculation method within the element, and the impact of the amount on cash flow to know when to select the Reverse Amount Sign check box.

Include Year End Close Entry

Select and the calculations determined by the element includes the period 999 entries for year end closing.

Use the Cash Flows Worksheet page (FR_WORKSHEET) to set up new cash flow worksheets and copy cash flows worksheets.


General Ledger > Cash Flow Statement > Define Cash Flow Worksheet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Flows Worksheet page - direct method (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cash Flows Worksheet page - direct method (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Flows Worksheet page - direct method (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cash Flows Worksheet page - direct method (2 of 2)

PeopleSoft delivers a direct method cash flow worksheet as well as an indirect method cash flow worksheet to use as a guideline for each calculation method. You can modify these to fit your organization's particular requirements. The cash flow worksheet previously pictured depicts the direct method, whereas the following presents the indirect cash flow method.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Flows Worksheet page - indirect method (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cash Flows Worksheet page - indirect method (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Flows Worksheet page - indirect method (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cash Flows Worksheet page - indirect method (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Worksheet ID

Click the Copy Worksheet link to create and name a new worksheet.


Use to activate or inactivate a worksheet. An inactive worksheet cannot be processed and the Process Cash Flow link is not available.

As of Date

Enter a date to be used for prompting effective dated tables such as the Elements and to be used by the calculation process to pull the data for the worksheet.

Display Options

Click this link to open the Display Options page and alter the display of the worksheet.

See Display Options Page.

Process Options

Click this link to set the processing options on the Process Options page.

See Cash Flows Worksheet - Process Options Page.

Process Cash Flow

Click this link to calculate line amounts and update the report entity using the cash flow process.

Printable Definition

Click this link to access, view, and print the worksheet showing the element names, balance types, and derivation of line items rather than amounts.

See Cash Flow Worksheet Printable Definition Page.

Copy Worksheet

Click this link to copy the worksheet giving it a new Worksheet ID and to create different versions of a worksheet.


Lines are maintained by the system as you add or delete lines on the worksheet. Use the line numbers as reference in creating derived elements.

See Selected Line Items to be Added to the Derived Element Page.

Detail Level

Determines the lines display format on the worksheet. There are multiple levels available to be used in organizing the format of the worksheet. You determine the level when you add a line.

Derived From

This is a display option of the elements making up a line that is set using the Display Options link.

Seq (sequence)

This is a display option of the calculation sequence maintained by the system for a line.

Use the Display Options page (FR_WORKSHT_DS_SEC) to view dependencies and different levels.


Click the Display Options link on the Cash Flows Worksheet page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Display Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Display Options page

Field or Control


Show Levels

Select to display the levels you have set for each line item on the worksheet.

Show Dependencies

Select to display on the worksheet the lines that you determined to be used in calculating a particular line.

Display Line Items of Level xx and up

Select the line levels to be displayed on the worksheet. There are multiple levels that you can set for a line when you add or change the line. Levels control display only.

Use the Process Options page (FR_WORKSHT_PR_SEC) to set the business unit scope, time spans, and currency rates for beginning balances, closing and variations.


Click the Process Options link on the Cash Flows Worksheet page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Options page - one business unit. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Options page - one business unit

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Options page - multiple business units. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Options page - multiple business units

Field or Control


Process for

Specify the business unit and ledger or the business unit tree for multiple business unit and ledger set to be used for the cash flows worksheet.

Tree SetID, Tree Name, and Tree Node

Enter the applicable tree information or the business units included in the worksheet.


Field or Control



Enter the SetID for the time span used.


Enter a TimeSpan defined to include adjustment period data.

Currency Rate Types

Field or Control


Beginning balance rate type, Closing rate type, and Variation rate type

Select the rate type to be applied to element calculations for beginning balances, ending balances, and the variations between the beginning and ending balances. These rates are applicable when presenting the cash variation due to currency rate changes in the conversion of base currency amounts to the reporting currency of the cash flow statement.

Use the Cash Flows Worksheet (printable definition) page (FR_WORKSHT_DFN_SEC) to view and print the element names, balance types, and derived line detail for each worksheet line rather than amounts.


Click the Printable Definition link on the Cash Flows Worksheet page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Flows Worksheet printable definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cash Flows Worksheet printable definition page

This page provides a view of the elements with the balance types and line dependencies for derived line elements.

Use the Copy Worksheet page (FR_WORKSHT_CPY_SEC) to copy an existing worksheet and create multiple worksheet versions.


Click the Copy Worksheet link on the Cash Flows Worksheet page.

Field or Control


New Worksheet ID

Enter a new worksheet ID to make a copy of an existing worksheet and click OK. This will create a copy that you can access from the search page.

Use the Line Item Detail for Line page (FR_WORKSHT_LN_SEC) to add and define new lines or change lines on the worksheet.


Click the Detail icon or the Add a New Row button to access the page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Line Item Detail for Line nn page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Line Item Detail for Line nn page

Field or Control


Line Item Type

Define the line as one of three types depending on its purpose and if it is dependent on other values:

  • Derived Element: Select if this element is a composite of other elements and the value of the line is derived from adding or subtracting other line values.

  • Detail Element: Select if the line value is defined by a single element.

  • Label: Enter a label to appear for the line and assign it a level that determines its font type. This line type carries no monetary value.

Detail Level

Enter 1, 2, or 3, and so on as the level. The level determines the format, or font for the line.


Select the elements you previously defined to determine the calculation or output for the line. You can click the Update/Create link to update or create an element for the line.

Balance Type

Select one of the following to describe the line balance, or the output of the line:

  • Balance Variance

  • Beginning Balance

  • Ending Balance

  • Foreign Exchange Adjustment (Fx Adjustment)

Add Line Items

Select to access a secondary page and add lines to the derived element for the line.

See Selected Line Items to be Added to the Derived Element Page.


The possible operators are to add or subtract the value of a particular line from the line's other derived elements.

Use the Selected Line Items to be Added to the Derived Element page (FR_WORKSHT_LIS_SEC) to add line items to a derived element.


Visible only for a derived element, click the Add Line Items link on the Line Item Detail for Line nn page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Selected Line Items to be added to the Derived Element page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Selected Line Items to be added to the Derived Element page

Field or Control



Select from the available lines the line or lines to add to the derived element and click OK.