Establishing Institution Controls

Institution control pages enable you to establish institution types, attribute types, audit types, certifications, and F&A rate and base types for the institution. These controls are also used in other areas of PeopleSoft Grants, such as proposal and award preparation and sponsor profiles. This topic discusses how to set up institution controls.

Page Name

Definition Name


Institution Types Page


Create and maintain institution types, as well as define a set of institution-specific values.

Attribute Types Page


Add and define values that are specific to the institution.

Audit Types Page


Record recent audit engagements in PeopleSoft Grants. You can also maintain audit engagement type definitions using this page.

Certifications Page


Define each required certification. You can also classify each certification code as it is used at the institution level, the proposal level, or both.

Budget Item Types Page


Create budget item types. You can use the budget item types that you create to classify budget items into specific categories on the Budget Items page.

Budget Items Page


Define the budget items that you'll use for proposals. PeopleSoft delivers numerous budget items as system data.

Budgets Page


Establish the budget IDs that you use to define budget details on the Enter Overall Budget - General Info page.

Facilities and Administration Rates Page


Create the F&A rate types that you use for grants processing.

Facilities and Administration Bases Page


Store a description of each F&A base type with an effective date and status. You can then list each budget item for which the F&A base rate applies. For example, base type of modified total direct cost (MTDC).

Setup GM ALN Information Page


Add ALN information you can use for proposals, awards, and sponsors.

Use the Institution Types page (GM_INST_TYPE) to create and maintain institution types, as well as define a set of institution-specific values.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants Institution Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institution Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Institution Types page

If necessary, you can define a set of institution-specific values. PeopleSoft Grants delivers these institution types with the system:

  • ANN: V: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian.

  • CTG: B: County Government.

  • FPO: Q: For-Profit Organization (Other).

  • HBC: T: Historically Black Colleges.

  • HSI: S: Hispanic-serving Institution.

  • IHA: I: Indian/Native American Tribe.

  • IIH: O. Private Institution of Higher Education.

  • INA: J: Indian/Native American Tribe.

  • IND: K: Indian/Native American Tribe.

  • ISD: G: Independent School District.

  • IUL: P: Individual.

  • NDE: W: Non-domestic (non-US) Entity.

  • NOS: N: Nonprofit without 501c3 IRS Status.

  • NWS: M: Nonprofit with 501c IRS Status.

  • OTH: X: Other (specify).

  • PIH: L: Public/Indian Housing Authority.

  • ROG: E: Regional Organization.

  • SDG: D: Special District Government.

  • SIH: H: Public/State Controlled Institution.

  • SMB: Small Business.

  • STG: A: State Government.

  • TCC: U: Tribally Controlled College.

  • TTG: C: City or Township Government.

  • UTP: F: U.S. Territory or Possession.

Note: PeopleSoft Grants delivers these values as system data. The values are used to map to proposal forms. You should not modify them.

Use the Attribute Types page (GM_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) to add and define values that are specific to the institution.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants Attribute Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Attribute Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Attribute Types page

PeopleSoft Grants delivers data elements for sponsor forms and reports. This page establishes a control record that enables you to define all necessary and possibly unique attribute types that are related to the institution.

When you define an attribute, make sure that you classify it as being used by the Department, Institution, Award, Sponsor, Supplier, or All. Store the information either as a numeric value or as characters.

PeopleSoft delivers these attribute types with the system:

  • ORG_COMP_CO: Organizational Component Code.

  • CGRS_DIST: Congressional District.

  • DUNS: DUNS Institution Number.

  • SAS: Same As Sponsor.

Note: PeopleSoft Grants delivers these values as system data. The values are used to map to proposal forms and you should not modify them.

Use the Audit Types page (GM_IN_AUDI_TYPE) to record recent audit engagements in PeopleSoft Grants.

You can also maintain audit engagement type definitions using this page.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants Audit Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Audit Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Audit Types page

The audit types that you define here are available on the Institution Audit page for the tracking and storing of historical audit engagement records along with related alerts and resolutions. For example, audit types can include Financial Audits, Compliance Audits, Indirect Cost Audits, and Fringe Benefit Rate Audits.

Use the Certifications page (GM_IN_CERT) to define each required certification.

You can also classify each certification code as it is used at the institution level, the proposal level, or both.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants Certifications

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Certifications page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Certifications page

Create the different types of regulations for which the institution must indicate compliance. PeopleSoft Grants delivers this table, which is populated with certification types from Transaction Set 194 (Condition Indicator).

Field or Control


Certification Use

Select a value to indicate how the certification code is used. Values are Institution Certification, Proposal Certification, and Both.

Use the Budget Item Types page (GM_BUD_CAT_TYPE) to create budget item types.

You can use the budget item types that you create to classify budget items into specific categories on the Budget Items page.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants Budget Item Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Item Types. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budget Item Types

PeopleSoft delivers four category types with the system: ANIM (Animal), CONS (Consortium), OTHR (Other), and PERS (Personnel).

You can create new budget items and budget item types as you require them. Each budget item within PeopleSoft Grants is associated with a budget item type.

Field or Control


Map Modular

Select this check box if a budget item type can be used in a modular research grant application.

Note: If you select the NIH Modular Grant check box on the Proposal - General Info page, you can select only the category types that are entered on this page in the Enter Budget Detail pages.

Use the Budget Items page (GM_BUD_ITEMS) to define the budget items that you'll use for proposals.

PeopleSoft delivers numerous budget items as system data.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup GM Budget Items

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Items page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budget Items page

Budget items provide a way of identifying and grouping transactions and are used for reviewing an activity's budget costs or revenue for a given period. The system makes the budget items that you enter here available on the Budget Line Summary page.

General Tab

Field or Control


Budget Item Type

Select the budget item type that you want to associate with the budget item that you are creating.


Enter a description for each budget item that you are creating.

Unit of Measure

If applicable, select one of these time quantities to enforce continuity across a budget:

  • MHR: Hours

  • MDY: Days

  • MWK: Weeks

  • MMO: Months

Projects Tab

Use the fields on this tab to associate fields in PeopleSoft Project Costing with the budget item.

GL Chartfields Tab

Use the fields on this tab to associate ChartFields in PeopleSoft General Ledger with the budget item.

Use the Budgets page (GM_ACTIVITY) to establish the budget IDs that you use to define budget details on the Enter Overall Budget - General Info page.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants Budget Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budgets page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budgets page

Create the budget IDs that you want to use to define budget details on the Enter Overall Budget - General Info page. Budget IDs eventually become project activities if the proposal is funded and you run the award generation process.

Use the Facilities and Administration Rates page (GM_FA_RATE_TYPE) to create the F&A rate types that you use for grants processing.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants F&A Bases

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Facilities and Administration Rates page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Facilities and Administration Rates page

F&A rate types are associated with sponsors, institutions, proposals, or awards. Identify all types of F&A rates that the institution has negotiated with its sponsoring agencies. These might include Organized Research On Campus, Organized Research Off Campus, or others as identified by the institution.

Use the Facilities and Administration Bases page (GM_FA_BASE_DTL) to store a description of each F&A base type with an effective date and status.

You can then list each budget item for which the F&A base rate applies. For example, base type of modified total direct cost (MTDC).


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup Grants F&A Bases

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Facilities and Administration Bases page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Facilities and Administration Bases page

Select the budget items that belong to the F&A base type that you created. The system uses the budget item to calculate the budgeted F&A amount for proposal budgets. You can define budget items on the Budget Item page.

Use the Setup GM ALN Information page (GM_CFDA) to add ALN information you can use for proposals, awards, and sponsors.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Grants > Setup GM ALN Information

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup GM ALN Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Setup GM ALN Information

Create ALN (Assistance Listing Number) detail that you can use for proposals, awards, and sponsors. You can enter Program Titles up to 250 characters in length.