Grants Management Homepage

Use the Grants Management Homepage to access associated PeopleSoft Fluid tiles and pages .


Fluid Home > Grants Management

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Grants Management Homepage.

Grants Management Fluid Homepage

Note: These tiles are available in Small Form factor (SFF) and Large Form factor (LFF). Tiles on the LFF display more information as compared to SFF tiles.

Several of the tiles indicate actions or deliverables with an approaching due date or end date; tiles such as the Award Teams provide the ability to review or adjust project team members.

Use this page to access Grants Management defaults that determine how PeopleSoft Fluid pages appear. Click or Select each tile to access additional information, which can be found. Each tile represents one event or multiple events.

PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, Working With PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.

Use the My Preferences page (GM_MY_PREF_FL) to set up the preferences that determine the content displayed on the tiles and their pivot grid pages.


My Preferences > Grants Management > Manage Preferences for Grants

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Preferences page.

Grants Management Homepage - My Preferences

You can use this page to filter grants displayed on the homepage. You can include one or more principal investigators, sponsors or award statuses. The system applies these filters independently to the grants data. For example, you can select specific principal investigators and sponsors to filter such that the homepage displays awards that meet both of the criteria.

Use the Award Team Tile to view names of people associated with the award.


Grants Management > Award Teams Tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Teams Tile.

Award Teams Tile


Select the Award Teams Tile to access the associated page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Teams page.

Award Teams Page

Details on the left hand panel enable you to select awards and projects. When you select a project on the left, associated details display on the right hand side. The available related Actions located next to Award ID and Project details are:

  • Update Award

  • Update Contract

  • Update Project

  • Add Resource

  • Notify

    Note: You can send an email to a member of the team using the Notify action next to that person's name.

Use the Award Milestones tile to view milestones coming due in the next 90 days and not in a closed status.


Select the Award Milestones Tile to view the pivot grid.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Milestones Pivot Grid page.

Award Milestones Pivot Page

Pivot Grid Facets

Use the facets on the left panel to analyze pivot data. Drag and drop facets into the rows on the right panel and the page refreshes to display the grid data, which you can view as a Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, or Horizontal Bar Chart. Select facets to filter data displayed in the pivot grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Award ID

  • Milestone Type

  • Milestone Code

  • Due In (Days)

  • Due Date

  • Status

  • Milestone Priority

  • Award PI

  • Sponsor

  • Title

You can choose to view the results as a grid or a list. The available related Actions :

  • Update Milestone

  • Notify

    Note: You can send an email to a member of the team using the Notify action next to that person's name.

  • Update Award

  • Update Contract

  • Maintain Attachments

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Pivot Grid

Use the Award Certifications tile to view certifications expiring in the next 90 days and not in a closed status.


Select the Award Certifications Tile to view the pivot grid

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Certifications Tile.

Award Certifications Tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Certifications Pivot.

Award Certifications Pivot

Pivot Grid Facets

Use the facets on the left panel to analyze pivot data. Drag and drop facets into the rows on the right panel and the page refreshes to display the grid data, which you can view as a Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, or Horizontal Bar Chart. Select facets to filter data displayed in the pivot grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Award ID

  • Project

  • Certification Code

  • Due In (Days)

  • Expiration Date

  • Certification Date

  • Award PI

  • Sponsor

  • Title

  • PC Business Unit

You can choose to view the results as a grid or a list. The available Actions are:

  • Update Certification

  • Notify

    Note: You can send an email to a member of the team using the Notify action next to that person's name.

  • Update Award

  • Maintain Attachments

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Pivot Grid

Use the Award Expiration tile to view Awards approaching their end date in the next 90 days and not in a closed status.


Select the Award Expiration Tile to access the associated page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Expiration tile.

Award Expiration Tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Expiration page.

Award Expiration Page

Details on the left hand panel enables you to select awards expiring in 30, 60 or 90 days. The available related Actions are:

  • Modify End Dates

  • Notify

  • Update Contract

  • Update Award

  • PI Portal Summary

Use the Pre-Award Spending to view spending on a proposal before an award is issued.


Select the Pre-Award Spending Tile to view the pivot grid.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pre-Award Spending Tile.

Pre-Award Spending Tile

Once an award is generated the proposal is excluded from display and the tile provides an aged view by categorizing spending in increments of 30, 60 or 90 days old.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pre-Award Spending page.

Pre-Award Spending Pivot

Pivot Grid Facets

Use the facets on the left panel to analyze pivot data. Drag and drop facets into the rows on the right panel and the page refreshes to display the grid data, which you can view as a Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, or Horizontal Bar Chart. Select facets to filter data displayed in the pivot grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Proposal

  • Version

  • Days

  • Analysis Type

  • Resource Limit

  • Currency

  • Project

  • Activity

  • PC Business Unit

  • Date Submitted

  • Proposal PI

  • Sponsor

  • Title

You can choose to view the results as a grid or a list. The available Actions are:

  • Generate Award

  • Notify

    Note: You can send an email to a member of the team using the Notify action next to that person's name.

  • Update Proposal

  • View Transaction Detail

  • Update Project

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Pivot Grid

Use the Expiring LOC Funds tile to view letters of credit approaching their end date in the next 90 days.


Select the Expiring LOC Funds Tile to view the pivot grid.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expiring LOC Funds Tile.

Expiring LOC Funds Tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expiring LOC Funds pivot age.

Expiring LOC Funds Pivot

Pivot Grid Facets

Use the facets on the left panel to analyze pivot data. Drag and drop facets into the rows on the right panel and the page refreshes to display the grid data, which you can view as a Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, or Horizontal Bar Chart. Select facets to filter data displayed in the pivot grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Award ID

  • LOC Doc ID

  • Due In (Days)

  • LOC Doc ID End Date

  • Billing Limit

  • Processed

  • Available

  • Currency

  • Subaccount

  • LOC ID

  • Line

  • Award PI

  • Sponsor

  • Title

You can choose to view the results as a grid or a list. The available Actions are:

  • Review Cost and Billing

  • Notify

    Note: You can send an email to a member of the team using the Notify action next to that person's name.

  • Update Contract

  • Update Award

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Pivot Grid

Grants administrators use the Grants tile to access a collection of Grants components.

For more information, see Grants Tile

Grants LifeCycle Page

Use the Grants WorkCenter Tile to access frequently used pages and pagelets providing a central area for users to access key components within the Grants application.

For more information, see Understanding the Grants WorkCenter and Dashboard