Navigating in PeopleSoft Grants

PeopleSoft Grants provides navigation center pages that contain groupings of folders that support a specific business process, task, or user role.

This table lists the navigation center pages that are used to navigate in PeopleSoft Grants.

Page Name



Grants Center

Grants > Grants Center

Access key areas to manage your PeopleSoft Grants information.

My Proposals

Click the My Proposals link on the Grants Center page.

Manage proposals from a personal list.


Click the Definitions link on the Grants Center page.

Define PeopleSoft Grants.


Click the Contracts link on the Grants Center page.

Enter and manage your revenue contracts, including several billing and revenue recognition options.

Facilities and Administration

Click the Facilities and Administration link on the Grants Center page.

Generate overhead expense data.

Manage Award

Click the Manage Award link on the Grants Center page.

View or update an award profile, project, activity, or award budget.


Click the Project link on the Grants Center page.

Establish project information and associate contracts and activity definitions.

Protocol Management

Click the Protocol Management link on the Grants Center page.

Establish protocols and versions, and submit them for approval.

Proposal Management

Click the Proposal Management link on the Grants Center page.

Establish proposals and versions, prepare budgets, and submit for printing.

Copy Proposal

Click the Copy Proposal link on the Grants Center page.

Create a new proposal from an existing proposal.

Generate Award

Click the Generate Award link on the Grants Center page.

Create award management entities.

Print Proposal

Click the Print Proposal link on the Grants Center page.

Print a proposal for submission to a sponsor.


Click the Reports link on the Grants Center page.

View variance, forecast, and inventory online reports.