Viewing Proposal Audit Logs

This topic provides an overview of audit logs and lists the pages that are used to view proposal audit logs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Proposal Audit Log - Header Page


View changes to proposal header information.

Proposal Audit Log - Projects Page


View changes to proposal project information.

Proposal Audit Log - Resources Page


View changes to proposal resource information.

Proposal audit logs provide an audit trail of changes to important data elements in the proposal. Here is some general information about audit logs:

  • The audit trail accumulates automatically whenever you add, delete, or change one of the key data elements.

  • All audit pages identify the user, the type of change (add, change, or delete), and the date and time of change.

  • You can configure the set of data elements that are subject to auditing by changing the underlying audit records and making corresponding changes to the audit pages.

    PeopleCode modifications are not required.

To access the Proposal Audit Log - Header page, use the navigation: Grants > Proposals > Review Proposal Audit Logs > Header.

To access the Proposal Audit Log - Projects page, use the navigation: Grants > Proposals > Review Proposal Audit Logs > Projects.

To access the Proposal Audit Log - Resources page, use the navigation: Grants > Proposals > Review Proposal Audit Logs > Resources.