Understanding the Integration between IT Asset Management and CRM HelpDesk

This section provides an overview of the integration between ITAM and CRM.

The Integration between PeopleSoft IT Asset Management/Asset Management and PeopleSoft CRM HelpDesk provides the ability to audit and keep track of assets. Asset-related information provides the baseline data for effective troubleshooting of a HelpDesk problem. Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) expands agent and administrator asset management business capabilities through integration with PeopleSoft Financials and third-party asset discovery and control systems. The Asset Management application keeps the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) down as employees do not have to perform a manual inventory; the application performs the inventory and updates the Asset Repository Manager (ARM). PeopleSoft delivers web services whereby CRM HelpDesk installed assets are published to the Asset Repository (COPY_AM_SUBTYPE, MANUFACTURER_FULLSYNC, and COPY_IT_ASSET service operations). Conversely, IT assets that are created in Asset Management are published to CRM HelpDesk. IT asset information from PeopleSoft Financials (FSCM) is published to PeopleSoft CRM in an initial full data synchronization (full sync). Subsequent changes that are made to IT assets in the ARM trigger an incremental synchronization that is published to update installed product information. Likewise, any changes that are made to installed product asset data in PeopleSoft CRM triggers an incremental synchronization to update the PeopleSoft Financials IT asset information. The system evaluates data coming from PeopleSoft Financials to PeopleSoft CRM to determine if a corresponding installed asset already exists, or if it represents a new asset. If there is a definitive match, the CRM installed asset entry is automatically updated with the information from the corresponding Financials entry. If there is a possible, but not definite match, the result is sent to a reconciliation table for analysis by an agent, who decides to either update an existing PeopleSoft CRM entry or to create a new entry. If the data represents a new asset, a new entry is created in PeopleSoft CRM. All Financials entries of Asset Type 010 (IT Hardware) are added to the CRM installed asset table when the full sync is performed (COPY_IT_ASSET). Subsequent additions and updates to the Financials asset repository data for Asset Type 010 entries are thereafter sent to CRM for incremental synchronization (SYNC_IT_ASSET service operation).

Note: PeopleSoft HelpDesk does not currently provide any mechanisms to detect hardware and software assets from within its CRM applications. You must integrate with a third-party application for asset discovery or remote control of technology assets. CRM can, however, leverage the asset discovery from IT Asset Management. For more information, see:

  • PeopleSoft CRM Call Center Applications PeopleBook, Understanding Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) for CRM HelpDesk.

  • PeopleSoft CRM Call Center Applications PeopleBook, Managing Assets.

  • PeopleSoft CRM Product and Item Management PeopleBook, Tracking Installed Products: Understanding Installed Assets.

  • PeopleSoft CRM Product and Item Management PeopleBook, Tracking Installed Products: Mapping and Reconciling Asset Information.