Working with Leases

This section discusses how to view lease summaries by lessor and view lease details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lease Summary by Lessor Page


View a list of all active leases with a specific supplier, the number of assets, the lease end date, and the lease owner.

Lease Details Page


View a list of all assets that are covered by a specific lease and information about location, department, custodian, and status.

Use the Lease Summary by Lessor page (LEASE_SUMMARY) to view a list of all active leases with a specific supplier, the number of assets, the lease end date, and the lease owner.


IT Asset Management > Financials and Leases > Lease Summary by Lessor > Lease Summary by Lessor

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lease Summary by Lessor page.

Lease Summary by Lessor page

This page displays a list of all leases that are held with the supplier. It includes a count of the assets in the lease, the lease end date, and the lease owner.

Click a lease ID to access the Lease Details page for that lease.

Use the Lease Details page (LEASE_DETAIL) to view a list of all assets that are covered by a specific lease and information about location, department, custodian, and status.


IT Asset Management > Financials and Leases > Lease Details > Lease Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lease Details page.

Lease Details page

This page displays a list of all IT assets that are associated with a lease. Click any serial ID in the list to display a printable view of that asset.